York Apartments Resident Handbook

We are a living and learning community for graduate students, law students and students with families. Housing & Conference Services strives to provide responsive customer service to make your stay a comfortable one. Housing & Conference Services and students will work together to provide a respectful living environment that is conducive to study and academic success for the entire York Apartments community. Each residence has its own identity, culture, and physical makeup.  Living in residence requires everyone to take extra measures to ensure safety and contribute to a harmonious, cooperative environment. The Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities, managed by the Office of Student Community Relations, was created to assist in helping facilitate a positive and respectful community.

Housing Services & Residence Life

York Apartments is managed by Housing & Conference Services and operate under the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act (A Guide to the RTA). Housing & Conference Services oversees the occupancy administration, overall physical building management including cleanliness and maintenance operations in accordance with the RTA. They also liaise with other campus service providers such as Grounds and University Information Technology Services so residents’ needs are met during their stay.

Residence Life, which is part of the Division of Students, provides community building initiatives, personal support, and assists with community management for students living in the York Apartments. This is accomplished through the Community Life Coordinator. Housing Services & Residence Life work hand in hand to provide a positive experience for residents and ensure that a positive student friendly environment is maintained.

Leases and Termination of Leases

York Apartments offers year-round residence to our students.

Graduate and law students or students coming in with family (children/spouse) registered in full-time studies and in good financial/behavioural standing with the University are eligible to apply for York Apartments.

On a normal year, move-ins are typically arranged on the 1st or the 15th (except during holidays and closures) of each month and rent is pro-rated accordingly. Move-outs occur during the last day of the month.

York University Apartments operate under the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act S O 2007. The Residential Tenancy Agreement defines the duration and conditions of occupancy to which residents have agreed. 60 days written notification to terminate the Residential Tenancy Agreement is mandatory at all times. As per the RTA: “Section 44 (2) A notice under section 47, 58 or 144 to terminate a monthly tenancy shall be given at least 60 days before the date the termination is specified to be effective and that date shall be on the last day of a rental period.” Please refer to the terms of your Residential Tenancy Agreement.

Agreement to Terminate a Tenancy Form N11

Upon completing their degree or ceasing full-time student status, a resident is responsible to make plans to vacate and terminate their Residential Tenancy Agreement.

All residents of York U Apartments, regardless of the duration of their stay, are required to provide 60 days notification prior to moving out by submitting an Agreement to Terminate a Tenancy Form N11 to the Housing Office. Residents who abandon their apartments without giving a notice will be charged for the mandatory 60 days, and any other applicable charges.

Facilities and Services

A Daycare facility exists on the ground floor of 90 Atkinson Road Residence. It operates from 7:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday and is available to members of the York community and the surrounding area. The best way to contact the York University Co-Operative Daycare is via email at daycare@yorku.ca or by phone at 416-736-5190.

For those residents who do not have in-suite storage, we have a limited number of lockers available, free of charge. You will be required to book an appointment and supply your own lock. The Housing Office Representative will accompany you to the storage area where you will be assigned the locker and asked to secure it using your lock. Please contact yorkapts@yorku.ca for more information.

320 AssiniboineBasement
340 AssiniboineGround Floor
360 AssiniboineGround Floor
380 AssiniboineBasement
4 Passy CrescentGround Level (beneath mailroom)
6 Passy CrescentSecond Level (above mailroom)
14 Passy CrescentFirst Floor (beside mailroom)
16 Passy CrescentFirst Floor (beside mailroom)
90 Atkinson RoadBasement

To Report a problem with the washers or dryers: Contact Housing Services during office hours (Monday-Friday, excluding statutory holidays: 8:30am-4:30pm) at 416-736-5339 or contact Sparkle Solutions at 416-869-0680 after office hours.
  1. Online
  2. Cash
    • Visit the YU-card Office in 200 William Small Centre
    • YU-card Payment Stations ($5, $10 and $20 bills). Stations located in:
      • Bronfman Business Library
      • Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building
      • Frost Library (Glendon)
      • Stacie Science Library
      • Scott Library
      • William Small Centre

Wireless Internet service is available in all apartment buildings through AirYorkPlus.

Residents can also subscribe to phone service through UIT for additional fees.

To request or cancel services, please follow the instructions on the UIT VoIP Telephone page.

Cable TV
Residents interested in cable TV must contact Rogers Cable TV directly at 1-800-784-6678 or by email: gta.directsales@rci.rogers.com.

For more information on all the above services, please visit the Internet in Residence page.

For phone, cable TV or internet issues, please complete the Problem Report Form through the UIT Internet in Residence page.

Note: Upon your move-out, Housing & Conference Services will not contact UIT to cancel services.

Your address is listed on your Residential Tenancy Agreement. Most mail will get delivered to your mailbox located within the lobby or mail area of your building. Packages will be delivered through forwarding company services utilized by your sender. Typically, a representative will call you when they are trying to deliver, if you answer then you will get your package, if not a package slip will be left taped on your mailbox or the glass of the front door of the building. If you are expecting a package, watch for those notices.

For Canada Post deliveries, please refer to the more recent updates from Mailing Services.

Other parcel companies will likely provide you with a different pick up location if they are unable to successfully deliver your package/s. Housing will not accept packages on your behalf. If a package is lost or stolen, you can contact the delivery company as well as York Security 416-650-8000.

When you are moving out, remember to arrange for the redirection of your mail and change your address through Canada Post.

Safety and Security

It is important that you as a resident do your part to keep a safer community.

  • To keep unwanted persons out and for emergency purposes, your apartment doors should remain closed always.
  • Be observant of your surroundings and report any activity that isn’t typical or that poses a threat or harm to the York community to Security Services or the Police.
  • Do not tamper with safety equipment including fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and fire alarms in the unit/building. This is a serious offence that may lead to charges or termination of your Residential Tenancy Agreement.

Emergencies in York Apartments could happen at any given time and sometimes unavoidable, but you can deal with them with tact to prevent further casualties. For situations where people or property is at immediate risk (a medical emergency, fire, sexual assault, or a crime in progress), call 911 immediately, and then contact Security Services at 416-736-5333 or ext. 33333. Security Officials will respond directly to your call and work with the Police to deal with the emergency.

Urgent Matters

For urgent matters, such as non-life threatening incidents, thefts, potential hazards, or if you observe a suspicious person/s within York Apartments vicinity, call 416-736-5333 or ext. 33333.

For non-urgent matters and service enquiries, such as general security information, broken windows or minor floods, or building or room access, please call 416-650-8000 or ext. 58000.

You may also want to download the York U Safety App which provides easy access to safety services and information on campus.


goSafe is the campus safe walk program that operates from 6:00pm – 2:00am. Should you be on campus and wish to have a pair of escorts walk you home, contact goSafe and they will be happy to assist you.

Fire Safety

All apartment units are equipped with smoke detectors and fire alarm systems. You will notice smoke detectors and alarms within your unit and common areas of the buildings. These systems are in place to ensure the safety of all residents. In the event that you smell smoke or see fire, please activate a building fire alarm pull station and leave the building immediately.

Emergency Evacuation and Personal Preparedness
  • Evacuate immediately upon hearing the fire alarm.
  • In the event of emergency evacuation, always use the stairs, NOT the elevator.
  • Always be prepared for emergency. Some useful resources for personal preparedness can be found at the Emergency Preparedness website.
Fire Evacuation

In case of a fire or upon discovery of a fire:

  • If you are trained to do so, try to put out a small fire using a suitable fire extinguisher.
  • Leave the area immediately and close doors (unlocked) and windows behind you.
  • Call 911, Toronto Fire Services from a safe location.
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm station to alert other residents.
  • Evacuate the building through the nearest stairs and exit.

If there’s smoke in the hallway, stay low and crawl if necessary. Smoke rises, so there is less smoke at floor level. Place clothing over your nose and face. Take short breaths through your nose to reduce the amount of smoke you inhale. If there is smoke in your stairwell, take another stairwell.

In the event of a fire alarm you are required to vacate the building. Below is a chart of the Fire evacuation points for each building.

BuildingPrimary Assembly Area (at least 100m away)
320 AssiniboineLawn, North of the building
340 AssiniboineLawn, West of the building
360 AssiniboineLawn, North of the building
380 AssiniboineLawn, East of the building
90 AtkinsonOpen space, South of the Centre for Film & Theatre
Passy Crescent #2, 4, 6On the lawn north of 320 Assiniboine
Passy Crescent #8, 10, 12On the lawn north of 360 Assiniboine
Passy Crescent #14, 16, 18On the lawn north of 380 Assiniboine
Campus Construction

Residents should be aware that there are a number of construction sites on campus. As a consequence, there may be noise, detours, and disruptions associated with these activities. Please consider these issues before entering into a lease agreement.

Environmental Considerations When Living in Residence

Please be advised that while we strive to maintain a health-supportive environment, our student housing is high density living and it will be difficult to control the environment to the extent that some students require. We cannot guarantee a housing environment that is free of allergens or one that is conducive to an individual’s healthy lifestyle. Students who have any pre-existing medical conditions should assess whether living in our on-campus housing options might pose a risk to their health before entering into a residence or Residential Tenancy Agreement.  Students who experience health issues which they attribute to their living environment may not use this as grounds for appeal should they choose to withdraw early and the terms and conditions of the residence/lease agreement will continue to apply.


As per Regulation 278/05 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, this serves as York University’s ongoing efforts to provide reasonable written notice of the state of asbestos materials that exist in different buildings constructed previous to 1986. Atkinson and the Assiniboine buildings fall into that category in circumstances where there are some construction materials which contain particles of asbestos.

To give this matter perspective, asbestos is a naturally occurring event in the air you breathe, even out of doors. The discernable amount of asbestos fibre ambient in the air is no greater than and most times less than what you would experience walking around outside.

York University has an Asbestos Management Program in place to ensure that correct procedures are followed in the handling of asbestos and that every precaution is taken to reduce any potential exposure risk to the York University Community.  The Asbestos Management Program includes maintaining a database of buildings that contain materials with asbestos, where it is located, the description of the material, whether it is friable or non friable, and issues, if any, about condition or required remedial action. 

For additional information about asbestos:

  • Visit the Health Canada website.
  • Contact York University Department of Occupational Health and Safety: 416-736-5491.

Guide for Living in York Apartments

A stove and refrigerator are supplied in each apartment. Dishwashers (including Portable Dishwashers), washing machines and waterbeds are not allowed. DO NOT use sharp implements to chip or scrape ice from the freezer as you may puncture the unit. The cost to replace a refrigerator or stove is approximately $700.00. Cleaning and defrosting of the refrigerator must be done on a regular basis to ensure proper functioning. If your stove or refrigerator has no electrical power, please check the electrical panel in your apartment; turn off all breakers and turn on again to restore power. *Note that Atkinson Residence do not have breakers and operate on fuses. If a fuse needs replacing students must submit a work order for a Housing repair person to install a new one. Students are discouraged from replacing their own fuses to eliminate risk of placing wrong fuses causing further damage. The oven timer may also need to be adjusted. Microwave ovens, electric kettles, and other small household electrical appliances owned by the resident are permitted.

Residents and their guests are not permitted on the building roofs. Failure to comply will result in eviction.

Please treat the residence as you would your own home. When you live at home, you are cautious about who enters your home and who has access to your personal property. When you live on campus, you should be just as cautious. Only authorized key-holders are permitted access into the building.

  • DO NOT leave or prop doors open, and do not let strangers into the building with you, such as food delivery person or solicitors. Residents may permit access to the building for their guests by using the intercom (where available).
  • Report any suspicious activity or persons to Security 416-736-5333.

Residents that are 19 and over may possess and store cannabis in their unit but not in hallways, stairwells, lobbies or in other common areas. Cannabis must be stored in a sealed container. Residents may possess up to 30 grams of dried cannabis in their units. Cultivating cannabis is not permitted in York Apartments.

Smoking cannabis is not permitted in York Apartments, residents must smoke at least 9 meters (30 feet) away from building entrances. The smoke and pungent smell of cannabis can cause interference of other resident’s (including families with children) enjoyment.

For more information on cannabis in Ontario, please see the Ontario Government Cannabis Law Website.

It is the resident’s responsibility to keep their apartments in a clean condition. Failing to do so places you and other members of the community at risk of pest control issues, extreme foul odours, and fire hazards.

Please refer to the York Apartments Cleanliness Guidelines for information on the expectations of cleaning your unit.

Whether you’re just moving in or looking to complete (or maybe upgrade) your personal cleaning kit, we’ve put together a list of the most essential cleaning tools you can purchase. The guidelines also includes information on what cleaning supplies you should have in your cleaning kit, as well as tips and tricks for hard to clean areas.

Residents are responsible for maintaining the rental units and all furnishings in the same condition as when they moved in. This includes walls, floors, ceilings, doors, fixtures, furnishings, and window coverings. All new residents are issued an apartment inventory and condition list at move-in and will have 72 hours to complete the form. Residents will not be charged for deficiencies identified on the form at move-in. Damages other than wear and tear will be charged to the resident’s Student Account.

Housing & Conference Services operates a listserv electronic mailing system to notify our residents of building-wide service interruptions; scheduling of heating and cooling system changeovers; inspections and service entries; and share other important messages that concern the apartment community.

When moving furniture and belongings in/out of the building, the resident must reserve and sign out elevators service keys from the Housing Office. Elevator doors should never be propped or this will cause damage and vandalism fines will ensue. Please contact yorkapts@yorku.ca for more information.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act, the Landlord (University) has the right to enter a rented premise for usual business purposes. A minimum 24-hour Notice of Entry will be given to the Resident in all other forms of entry not deemed as an emergency or requested by the Resident through a work order. *Housing Services may enter units without prior notice in emergency situations concerning health, safety, and disruption to the community (includes but is not limited to smoking, alarm clocks sounding for an extended period, and situations where a resident has not been seen for an unusual amount of time).

Residents shall not feed birds and other animals on the York University campus. Under Toronto’s Animals Bylaw, residents are not allowed to feed wildlife or leave food out to attract animals on both public and private property. Feeding wildlife may seem harmless, but it can have serious impacts to both animals and the community. Here is more information on the impacts.

  • Fire Alarm: Evacuate immediately upon hearing the fire alarm.
  • Smoke Detectors: Smoke detectors are provided in each apartment. Intermittent beeping of the unit indicates low battery power; the Housing Office provides batteries and repairs.
  • Fire Alarm Testing: Fire alarm equipment is tested once per year including equipment inside each apartment. Housing will post notices for access in advance.
  • Fire Equipment Vandalism: The Fire Marshall’s office has advised that any resident found to have disconnected their fire alarm/smoke detector or misused the equipment will be subject to a fine and all costs related to the re-installation of the unit/equipment. Residents may also be charged under the Criminal Code and face eviction from the York Apartments.

Never leave cooking unattended.

All apartments are equipped with a refrigerator and stove. Bathtubs have a shower curtain. Basic lighting is provided. Please see the Housing website for a detailed list of furniture provided in the furnished apartments.

All furniture supplied in furnished units is according to allowable occupancy. Passy Crescent apartment beds, Assiniboine bachelor apartment daybeds and other standard furnishing in the unit cannot be removed under any circumstances.

For the most part garbage procedures are similar in each building. For the high-rise buildings, there are garbage chutes or refuse rooms on your floors where you can place small bags of garbage. Please ensure that the bags are pushed down the chute. Any large items need to be taken to the garbage room located on the first floor in your building.

Recycling bins are located outside of the buildings for cans, plastics, and cardboard. Please take your recycling items to these depots and do not throw it out in the garbage or down the chute.

Batteries and light bulbs can be brought to the Housing Services Office (340 Assiniboine Road) for sustainable disposal.

*For Passy Apartments, garbage and recyclable items need to be taken out to the dumpsters located on Passy Crescent.

Cyclical switch over of the central ventilation system in York Apartments typically happens in May/June from Heat to A/C and in September/October from A/C to heat. The temperature outside during these times can fluctuate greatly which makes it difficult to find the appropriate time to switch the system. It takes approximately 3 days for the system to be changed. During these times of year, it is recommended that you get a fan or space heater to assist with keeping your apartment to your desired temperature.  For more information on how heating and air conditioning systems are maintained, please visit the City of Toronto site.

Residents are required to obtain liability insurance when living in York Apartments. The University is not responsible for any personal effects (including food) that may be lost, stolen or damaged for any reason while in the apartment or stored in a locker. Residents are encouraged to get contents insurance to protect their belongings.

It’s required to have liability insurance when you enter a lease agreement at York Apartments. Please visit Insurance Bureau of Canada for more information about what tenant’s insurance covers and the type of coverage you need and when you will need it.

Access communication and entry control is provided through an intercom system and your regular telephone service in 320, 340, 360, 380 Assiniboine and Atkinson buildings. You can fill out the Intercom Registration Form to set your buzzer code to go to your phone if you have a local phone number. For more information, including your buzzer code number, please contact the Housing Office.

Each resident is permitted ONE set of keys only. Where additional keys are requested, residents MUST register the name(s) of other key-holders and keys will only be permitted based on allowable occupancy for the unit. For security purposes, building entrances and laundry rooms are operated by electronic access controls. Residents are issued keycards for these locks.

When keys are lost or stolen by the resident or registered sharer, all locks where keys were issued must be changed for security reasons at the resident’s expense. Please report lost or stolen keys to Housing or Security Services immediately. Broken keys are replaced at no charge. All keys must be returned to the Housing Office at move-out. Failure to do so will necessitate a lock change. All lock change and key replacement charges will be levied to the resident’s Student Account.

Extra keys cannot be issued for guests and duplicating keys is not allowed. If keys are duplicated, then a lock change will be done at the expense of the resident. Residents may submit a request for extra keys (above the allowable occupancy) in extenuating circumstances which will require the approval of a Housing Manager. Should the request be approved then the resident will register the name and other details of the key-holder and will pay the applicable fees. Supplementary or alternate locks must not be installed on the apartment.

You can get light bulbs from the Housing Services front desk when you need them. When you need to replace a light bulb, you can bring in your old bulb and Housing & Conference Services will provide you a replacement. You will need to install the new bulb.

Laundry services are operated by Sparkle Solutions. Information about the equipment and service, including how to report any issues or concerns, is posted within the laundry rooms and/or on the machine. Please contact Sparkle if a machine isn’t working properly. If you have paid for a machine and you didn’t receive the service, please contact the YU-card Office to obtain a refund.

Please make sure you are being respectful when using the laundry facilities. Below are some common issues and general rules to follow. 

It’s very easy for the laundry room to become dirty. This can occur through dryer lint and spilled soap and fabric softener. When this occurs it is your responsibility to clean those drops up. This ensures the machine is in the best condition possible for the next resident to use. They can also become moldy when the door is left closed when the washer is not in use. Once finished using the machine please leave the door open so air can circulate within the machine. Sparkle conducts regular inspection and maintenance of the machines.

When you are doing laundry, it is expected by other Residents that you don’t leave your items in the washer or dryer past cycle. This ensures that others can use the machine in an efficient manner. If a dryer isn’t available immediately after your wash, you can leave your clothes in a basket on top of the dryer you intend to use. This tells others that you are next in line for the machine. Dryer timing is extremely important, especially if others are using the washing machines when you are drying. Please ensure that you aren’t leaving clothing in the machines longer than 5 minutes. Remember to be respectful when using these machines and think about how your actions can improve others experiences.

Patience and responsibility goes a long way when sharing facilities. Please allow others time to come and retrieve their items and avoid removing other’s clothing from a machine.

If you are the one using the facilities, please be diligent in retrieving your items as soon as possible after your machine finished its cycle. If you leave your clothing in a machine longer than a few minutes after your cycle is complete, others that are waiting may possibly remove your items from the machine. Laundry rooms are typically located in the basement or 1st floor of your building. For Passy, rooms are located in Passy 4, 6, 14, and 16.

Residents or registered sharers may contact Housing Services if they are locked out during business hours (Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:00pm). After business hours, a resident or registered sharer may contact Security Services to provide access if proof of tenancy or registered as a sharer is provided and validated on the Housing records. A flat rate of $25.00 will be charged to the resident’s Student Account for an after-hours access due to a lock-out of a resident or registered sharer. Additionally, a service fee of $160.00 will be charged to the resident’s Student Account if keys are lost or stolen and a lock change is necessary.

If something in your unit or building requires attention, please submit an online Maintenance Request Form.

Repair requests will only be accepted by telephone or from a registered sharer in the case of an emergency. Normal wear and tear or maintenance items are repaired without charge to the resident, so please report all problems as soon as possible. Prompt reporting will ensure your enjoyment of the property and minimize major repairs.

Note: Damage that occurs due to unreported maintenance may be charged to a resident’s Student Account. You will be held responsible and charged for any damages beyond normal wear and tear, and any extra cleaning upon move-out. This can include painting, repairing large holes in walls, removal of garbage, damage caused by pets, appliance cleaning, etc.

All apartment types are leased to one Resident only who is responsible for the terms and conditions of the lease including payment of fees. The Resident must be a York student in good standing. All other occupants must meet the occupancy criteria as described below and must be registered by the Resident in the Housing information system.

  • Bachelor – one student
  • 1-Bedroom – one student or a student couple
  • 2-Bedroom – family (student with child/ren or student with spouse and child/ren) of 3 or 4
  • 2-Bedroom penthouse – family (spouse/child) of 4

Please be advised that allowing others to live in your unit outside of the processes set by Housing & Conference Services is a contravention of the Residential Tenancy Agreement.

Keys should be returned to the Housing Office on or before the specified departure date. For departures outside of office hours, place your keys in an envelope that is clearly marked with your name, apartment number, forwarding address, and telephone number, and deposit it in the mail slot in the east entrance door of 340 Assiniboine. All keys must be returned or associated charges will be levied to your Student Account. In the event a resident checks out and keys are returned to Housing after the lease end date, rent charges will apply up to and including the check-out date.

Residents are expected to maintain a reasonable noise level at all times, most especially between 11:00pm and 7:00am. Please be considerate when entertaining guests or when playing audio/video devices. Housing has a strict policy regarding excessive noise and disturbance by residents and/or their pets, based on the by-laws of the City of Toronto. Repeated noise offenses may cause eviction.

You should be aware that at times there may be noise from the Daycare users, particularly when children are outside in the play area.

Late night partying, yelling etc. are handled by the police. Report noise disturbances promptly as it is happening:

  • Contact Housing if the noise is occurring during Housing office hours (Monday-Friday, excluding statutory holidays 8:30am-4:30pm).
  • Call York U Security at 416-650-8000 to address the issue in the moment and submit a Resident Concern Form.

Painting is strictly prohibited. Resident will be responsible for costs to repaint the unit back to University’s standards. If there are painting issues in your apartment, please submit a Maintenance Work Order.

Resident and visitor parking are available for additional fees. Enquiries should be directed to the Parking Office in the William Small Centre.

Residents have a responsibility to immediately report pest issues (e.g. roaches, bedbugs) so that appropriate treatment can be arranged and before spread occurs to neighbouring apartments. If you are experiencing a pest problem in your apartment, please report it promptly to the Housing Office to request treatment.

Housing & Conference Services works with a pest control contractor to provide treatment annually to all apartments as part of our proactive measures to reduce the spread of pests.

Pets are allowed in the apartments but cannot be permitted to interfere with the reasonable enjoyment of the premises by the landlord or other persons. If you are a pet owner, please ensure your pet is cared for in a humane, healthy, safe, and considerate manner. As you keep them in your unit, it is also important to be considerate to your neighbours and building (including your dwelling).

It is always recommended to practice good housekeeping inside your unit to reduce strong pet odours. Take your dog for regular walks and exercise but keep them on a leash when traveling in public areas inside or outside of the building. Security and/or Toronto Police will enforce by-laws as they relate to pets. Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times under Toronto By-law #28-1999, paragraph 11(3). Residents must clean up after their pets. Please remember to “stoop and scoop”. Excessive noise caused by pets (e.g. persistent barking) also constitutes noise disturbance which can be in violation of the noise by-laws. This may also lead to complaints that Housing & Conference Services & Residence Life must address.

Should persistent pet issues arise, please submit a Resident Concern Form.

Please use removable mounts to hang pictures and other items. Using nails/fasteners may result in wall damage with costs assessed on the resident’s Student Account.

Please ensure you report any plumbing issues to the Housing Office (e.g. dripping or leaking taps) so repairs can be made before more serious damage occurs. If your toilet or sink is blocked, use the plunger made available in your apartment. If this does not solve the problem, submit a work order to the Housing Office.

Major plumbing issues and flooding is often caused by allowing the wrong things to go down the drains. Only body waste and toilet paper should go in the toilet. Please do not use your toilet or drains for disposing of substances such as “flushable”* wipes, kitty litter, organic waste (such as cooking fats), or non-degradable matter. Please use the sink strainers in the kitchen to avoid food particles from clogging the drain. Clean these strainers regularly. Strainers can be used in the washrooms to avoid hair from clogging the drains. For additional information on what can or not be flushed or poured down the drain, please visit the City of Toronto’s website.

Residents may not install any equipment or appliances on the premises, including dishwasher, washer, dryer, or bidet/portable shower. Due to building system restrictions, these installations may cause serious damage to York University property or compromise other resident’s safety. Failing to adhere to this guideline may lead to damage charges or, depending on severity of the damages, the termination of the Residential Tenancy Agreement.

*Wipes that say “flushable” on the package are not actually flushable.

Your monthly rent is due every 1st day of the month per your lease and will be charged directly to your student account. When you set up online banking, the company name/payee is York University. Your York student number is the account number.

You can check your Student Account Online Statement to view recent transactions. Please allow 5-10 business days for your payment to be applied to your account.

York Apartments rent fees cannot be claimed for income tax purposes. Under the Income Tax Act, universities are exempt from paying municipal property taxes. The Ontario Income Tax Act stipulates that all students living in designated university (tax-exempted) student residences are limited to an Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit claim based on an occupancy cost of $25 for the time they resided in the student residence. Therefore, the amount that can be claimed for income tax purposes is $25 and not the full amount of residence fees paid.

For more information and to view the list of designated student residences, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Finance website and review the “Frequently Asked Questions” section.

Each apartment unit is provided with a recycling bin. Please sort and place items in large bins outside each building.

Students must register a Sharer with Housing & Conference Services a minimum of two weeks prior to the Sharer moving in by emailing apstatus@yorku.ca or by visiting the Housing Office. Please note that leaseholders are responsible for following the Maximum Occupancy Allowed for their apartment type to make sure that they are able to have a sharer and that a sharer is eligible to live in York Apartments.

Unit Type # of Allowed Sharers Sharer Eligibility
1-Bedroom1Spouse of Leaseholder
2-Bedroom3Spouse and/or Child(ren) of Leaseholder
2-Bedroom Penthouse3Spouse and/or Child(ren) of Leaseholder

Under provincial law, smoking is not allowed in any indoor common areas of the building. As of September 2018, smoking is prohibited in York Apartments. This means:

·  The premises to be occupied by the Resident and members of the Resident’s household have been designated as non-smoking. Resident, members of the Resident’s household, guest(s), business invitee(s), or visitor(s), shall not smoke anywhere within the building, including the unit rented by the Resident, balconies and patios, enclosed common areas, as well as outside within 9 metres of doorways, operable windows, and air intakes.

·  “Smoke” shall include inhaling, exhaling, breathing, vaping, burning (or cooking), or carrying any lighted tobacco, cannabis, vaping oil, or similar product which generates smoke, vapors, or aerosols.

·   “Business invitee” shall include but is not limited to any contractor, agent, household worker, or other persons hired by the university, Resident, or member(s) of the Resident’s household to provide a service or product to the university, Resident, or member(s) of the Resident’s household.

·  Exceptions may be made by the University and Housing & Conference Services on a case by case basis, prior to use, for Residents requiring medical or religious accommodations.

Residents (students who moved in before August 2018) are grandfathered and are allowed to smoke in their units but are strictly reminded to use ventilation fan or personal fan/air purifier to help dissipate any smoke inside the unit. Odours from the smoking also spread to other units and can seriously interfere with the enjoyment of the premises by neighbouring residents which can be grounds for termination of tenancy.

Should a smoking issue arise, please take the following actions: Submit a Tenant Concern Form online via the York Apartments Forms.

Upon move-out, any damages/cleaning related to smoking in the unit will be charged to the resident’s account.

The resident, shall, at all times, restrict the use of their rented premises, in accordance with the Tenancy Agreement and additional Rules and Regulations (The Handbook), to the resident/sharer except for occasional visitors, understanding that visitors are not entitled to reside in the unit.

Residents who wish to sublease their unit to another eligible student is required to register through Housing & Conference Services. Subleasing is permitted only during the summer months (May 1-August 31) and subject to eligibility requirements.

The Resident (Leaseholder) should complete and submit the Sublease Application Form to the Housing Office for approval. The proposed Subleasee must meet the criteria of registered student status and in good standing at York University. The Resident (Leaseholder) is held responsible for all provisions on the Residential Tenancy Agreement (i.e., rent charges, reporting work order requests and applicable damages if any) to the apartment during the tenancy and any period of the sublease. It is also the Resident’s responsibility to inform the Subleasee to abide by the provisions of the Residential Tenancy Agreement. Upon approval, a $100 Fee will be charged on the leaseholder’s Student Account.

Please contact apstatus@yorku.ca for any questions or concerns. 

In Passy Gardens, air temperature in your unit is controlled by the thermostat on the wall. When heating is on, make sure that the cooling knob is turned all the way down. You can control the warmth of your apartment by adjusting the heating knob. When the air conditioning is turned on, make sure that the heating knob is turned all the way down. You can control the coolness of your apartment by adjusting the cooling knob.

In Atkinson and Assiniboine Buildings, under the window, there is an air conditioning/heating unit. On the top part of the unit, there are two little boxes on each side of the vent. Push down on the side of the square (Fig. 1) to expose the air control knobs (Fig. 2). From there, you can adjust the air flow and temperature of the unit.

Because of limited unit availability throughout the year, transfer requests are only considered under exceptional circumstances such as significant need changes in a student’s life. The following conditions must also be met in order to be qualified for a transfer:

  • The resident must be a current resident at York Apartments and have lived in their current apartment for a minimum of 2 semesters.
  • The resident must be in good academic standing with the University.
  • The resident must be in good financial standing with the University.

To apply for a transfer, residents must fill out and submit a Transfer Request Form. Transfer requests will be considered between October and April. Please understand that approval of the request is pending circumstances and availability of unit requested.

Possessing any kind of weapon, or facsimile of a weapon, in residence (e.g. guns, swords, knives including hunting/fishing knives, BB guns, paintball guns, bows & arrows, explosives, fireworks, mock weapons, including any for theatre or film use) is prohibited on York’s campuses and in all residence buildings.

When the window latches are in the closed position, the window is locked. Before you begin to crank the window open, please ensure that both latches are open. If this procedure is not followed, the crank gears will be stripped and the window will not function. Window limiters are installed in every apartment to comply with the City of Toronto by-law, which restricts window openings to a maximum of 4” or 100mm. DO NOT TAMPER with window limiters.

Do not leave windows open and unattended for an extended period of time especially during cold weather/winter. This could result in frozen water lines causing damage to the building that you may be charged for.

Links and Resources

All transportation options to and from campus can be found here.

Appletree Medical Centre located in York Lanes on campus

North York General Hospital (Bathurst and Finch)

Humber River Hospital (Keele and Wilson)


No Frills – Keele and St. Regis

Walmart – Keele and Broadoaks

Fresh Co. – Jane and Finch

Four Winds Mall – Your Community Grocer

Promenade Mall – Centre and Bathurst

Yorkdale Mall – via Subway, at Allen Rd. and Wilson

Vaughan Mills – via Viva, Highway 7 and Weston area – Restaurants, Movie Theatre, big box stores

Ikea – Highway 7 and Edgeley

Residents who wish to report a concern or issue (noise, smoking, garbage, or resident conduct) they are experiencing can do so by filling a Resident Concern Form with as many details included as possible.

If a student wishes to report a concern about a staff member, they are encouraged to contact Housing Management at one of the emails below:

  • Admissions and Front Desk Team – Contact: Taylor Morihovitis, Manager, Housing Administration (tmori@yorku.ca)
  • Operations Team – Contact: Frank Zidaru, Manager, Building Operations, Housing & Conference Services (frankzdr@yorku.ca)
  • Management Team – Contact: Christian Tremblay, Assistant Director, Housing & Conference Services (ctremb@yorku.ca)

Note: Housing & Conference Services strives to ensure the completeness and accuracy of information contained on this website, however, we reserve the right to change any of the information at anytime without notice.