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SPPA Profs. Lorne Foster and Les Jacobs lead Racial Profiling Policy Dialogue

York Professors Lorne Foster and Les Jacobs, along with York's Centre for Human Rights (CHR), are the primary organizers of the upcoming Racial Profiling Policy Dialogue sponsored by CHR, the School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA), the Institute for Social Research (ISR) and the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC). Foster and Jacobs are well recognized as among the country’s leading scholars on racial profiling and have conducted large empirical projects on racial bias in policing.

The policy dialogue on racial profiling will take place Feb. 16, 17, and 18 with the primary purpose to stimulate dialogue and generate relevant research to help inform the development of a new OHRC policy on racial profiling. The dialogue is an invitation-only event for about 75 of the country’s leading experts on racial discrimination and racial profiling, as well as key stakeholders from community organizations and civil society. Full Story