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The GLRC enters a Third Charter Period (2024-2029)

An image of a rock with the YorkU logo on it, with campus in the background.

The Global Labour Research Centre, LA&PS-based Organized Research Unit, is entering its third charter period under the direction of Prof. Adrian Smith (currently on sabbatical) and Prof. Carlo Fanelli (Interim Director). The GLRC was launched in 2013 following two decades of research activities pursued through the Centre for Research on Work and Society. In its new charter, the GLRC will continue standing as a hub for research collaboration and action on work, labour, and livelihoods, and its focus will encompass a variety of themes, including:

  • activist knowledge production,
  • climate action and environmental justice,
  • colonialism and decolonization,
  • health crises and pandemics,
  • artificial intelligence and platform technologies, and
  • law, rights, regulation, and governance.

The GLRC takes a broad and open-ended approach, organized around deepening pan-university and wider community linkages and building infrastructure for transformative social action.For further information about GLRC’s upcoming events for the Fall/Winter 2024-2025 (e.g., monthly Speaker Series talks , Graduate Student Symposium, the annual John Eleen Lecture, and co-sponsored events), research projects run through the GLRC (currentpast), and ways in which the GLRC can help you with research grant development and management as well as knowledge mobilization opportunities (e.g., PerspectivesGLRC Snapshots), please visit the renovated website or contact us at .