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Cognitive Science Speaker Series: Tim Bayne (Western), "Can We Build a Consciousness Meter?"

Cognitive Science Speaker Series: Tim Bayne (Western), "Can We Build a Consciousness Meter?"


The next session of the Cognitive Science Speaker Series will take place on Weds, Dec 02, at 3:30 pm. Details are as follows:

Tim Bayne (Philosophy, University of Manchester and Western University), "Can we Build a Consciousness Meter?"

One of the central challenges facing the science of consciousness is that of
identifying ways of measuring consciousness. Can we go beyond our
pre-theoretical ways of detecting consciousness and develop measures that are
independently validated? Some theorists think not, and argue that we are
necessarily restricted to the pre-theoretical markers of consciousness with
which we begin. Other theorists are more optimistic, and think that we will be
able to develop independent measures of consciousness. In this talk I
critically examine one proposal for how to identify measures of
consciousness—the natural kind approach—and ask whether it can be
reconciled with various widely-held commitments in the philosophy of mind.

Date & Time: Weds, 02 December 2015, at 3:30 pm
Place: Ross S 421 (Dept of Philosophy classroom).

Refreshments will be served afterwards. All are welcome.