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Prof. Jelena Zikic discusses how skilled newcomers can maximize job-hunting

Prof. Jelena Zikic discusses how skilled newcomers can maximize job-hunting

SHRM Associate Professor, Jelena Zikic, has co-authored an article in The Conversation discussing how newcomers can continue to grow their careers when the immigrate. Titled, “How skilled newcomers can stave off major career sacrifices when job-seeking”, the article takes a deep dive into common problems immigrants face, including family-life balance and sacrificing career goals to seek a better life abroad.

“While some countries — like Canada, for example — rate highly for their appeal to skilled migrants, settling still poses major career barriers. One of the major paradoxes that skilled migrants face is that despite gaining entry into a host country based on their credentials (for example, accumulated foreign capital), that doesn’t guarantee success in the local labour market,” the article explains.

Read the full story and learn more about Prof. Zikic’s research in The Conversation.