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LA&PS Assistant Professor Duygu Gulseren discusses employee mental health and preventing burnout in The Globe and Mail

Headshot of Duygu Gulseren

Duygu Gulseren, an assistant professor at the School of Human Resources Management, and the chair of the Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Health, has contributed her expertise in a recent article that appeared in The Globe and Mail.

The article discusses “quiet thriving” in the workplace, describing tactics employees can use to improve their mental health and wellbeing at work. Gulseren talks about the importance of giving employees autonomy and flexibility which can improve their sense of wellbeing at work and prevent burnout in today’s challenging climate.

Duygu Gulseren holds a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Saint Mary’s University. Her research interests include occupational health and safety and leadership.

Read the full article in The Globe and Mail.