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MHRM Information Session Fall 2023

Presenting our Unique Executive-style MHRM Program Join us for our Fall Information Session on Tuesday, Oct 10, 6-7 p.m. By attending this session, you will learn how you can earn a Master’s degree in HRM while working, as well as:  Understand how pursuing this graduate program may fit with your career at the moment  Learn […]

Information Session Night - PhD HRM

Presenting our PhD Program Join us for our Fall Information Session Wednesday, Oct 11 2023, 6-7 p.m. By attending this session, you will learn how you can earn a PhD degree in HRM, as well as:  Understand how pursuing this graduate program may fit with your career at the moment  Learn how obtaining this degree […]

Dr. Catherine Connelly visits SHRM virtually

Dr. Catherine Connelly from DeGroote School of Business will visit SHRM for a virtual talk on her recent work about Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program. This event is open to the broader York community.   Title: Enduring Work: Experiences with Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program Presenter: Dr. Catherine Connelly, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University  Date: Oct 24, 2023 Time: 7:00 […]

PhD Candidate Marlee Mercer and Dr. Gulseren publishes an article on the Studies in Higher Education

PhD Candidate Marlee Mercer and Dr. Duygu Biricik Gulseren from the School of Human Resources Management have authored an article recently published in the Studies of Higher Education Journal. The article, titled "When Negative Feedback Harms: A Comprehensive Review of Unintended Consequences on Psychological, Attitudinal, and Behavioral Responses," synthesizes research on the outcome of negative […]

2023 Spring Convocation

Graduating students happily posed for a photo at the LA&PS ceremony earlier this week. Congratulations!

SHRM Professor and SAS student co-author article on the threat of cyberaggression in the content creation occupation

School of Human Resources Management Professor Duygu Biricik Gulseren and School of Administrative Studies student Zanta Yee Fong, have published an article in Psychology Today titled, “Social-Media Content Creation and the Threat of Cyberaggression,” discussing their research on how content creators can be susceptible to cyberaggression. “Online content creation is a growing type of gig […]

Passings: Kenneth James McBey

Professor Kenneth James McBey passed away on June 22 at the age of 65. McBey was a faculty member at York University since 1989, first in the School of Administrative Studies, and later cross-appointed as a founding member of the School of Human Resource Management. He taught courses in human resources management, organizational behaviour, pedagogy and emergency […]

Prof. Gulseren co-authors article on employee well-being

SHRM Professor Dugyu Birick Gulseren has co-written an article for Psychology Today, titled “Prioritizing Employee Wellness”.  The article delves into how to foster employee health and well-being in workplaces. The article explores the relationship between wellness and overall productivity of employees. “Wellness may seem like an individual concern at first glance; however, researchers argue for […]

Prof. Jelena Zikic discusses career sacrifices as an outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic

SHRM Associate Professor, Jelena Zikic, wrote an article for The Globe and Mail titled, “Career sacrifice, especially during a pandemic, is never easy. Here’s how to make that decision”, discussing how pandemic measures have affected career aspirations and life outside of work. “Many individuals have had to give up certain aspects of their careers or […]

Prof. Souha Ezzedeen featured in article discussing pet-friendly workplaces

SHRM Associate Professor Souha Ezzedeen was featured in an article for The Toronto Star, “Dogs in the office? Paw-sible. Pet ownership soared during the pandemic and workplaces are responding to changing employee needs", where she discussed companies creating pet-friendly spaces for employees that are experiencing separation anxiety. “There are different ways to be pet-friendly. It […]