AS/SOSI4440 F/W 06-7




Research Consent Form

AS/SOSI4440 Racialization, Discrimination and the Law is a fourth year course in the Sociology Department, York University. The objective of this course is to encourage students to be more aware of social issues and more committed and able to engage effectively in their communities now and in the future. To facilitate this important learning, students are asked to write a comprehensive policy paper and critical analysis of an important social issue.

It is hoped thereby that this experience will help to raise awareness in our graduates about health, social and political issues, while breaking down stereotypes and promoting diversity.

To facilitate this important learning, students are asked to interview community stakeholders and community service professionals in order to link real-life experiences in the community to academic content through processes of critical reflection. Through this hands on engagement, each student is expected to learn more about the important social issues and problems that impact contemporary society.

By the end of the course (March 19), each student will be required to submit to the instructor a full written policy paper demonstrating his or her learning. If you require further information please contact Dr. Lorne Foster, phone 416-226-9054.

The student who has given you this form is requesting your permission to learn from you what you would be willing to share of your experience and/or community expertise. No student is allowed to reveal information you do not wish revealed, and you are free at any time to stop meeting with the student.

Student Name: (please print): ________________________________

I hereby give my consent for the above-mentioned student to interview me for the purposes of his or her learning as stated above.

Family Representative: _____________________________________

Date: _________________________________