a dog is the best friend of a man a dog is the best friend of a man 0, 4629, abc 6057, WORD:a 7215, def 8256, mno 9957, ghi 11250, WORD:dog 12501, ghi 13273, pqrs 14735, WORD:is 16578, WORD:the 17747, abc 18735, def 20460, pqrs 21483, tuv 22970, WORD:best 24245, def 25755, pqrs 26687, ghi 27739, def 28958, WORD:friend 31563, WORD:of 33232, abc 34534, WORD:a 36474, mno 37630, abc 39332, mno 41340, WORD:man 42383, ENTER ----- he is just like everyone else he is just like everyone else 0, 5014, ghi 9190, BKSP 10329, ghi 12302, def 13564, WORD:he 14850, ghi 16781, WORD:is 18077, jkl 19617, tuv 21176, WORD:just 22490, jkl 23800, ghi 25346, WORD:like 26553, def 27698, tuv 29511, def 31684, pqrs 33153, WORD:every 36645, BKSP 38899, def 40670, tuv 41819, def 43295, pqrs 44573, wxyz 46417, WORD:everyone 47478, def 48557, jkl 49642, pqrs 51172, WORD:else 52160, ENTER ----- the cream rises to the top the cream rises to the top 0, 2938, WORD:the 4069, abc 5170, pqrs 7602, def 8378, abc 9518, mno 11127, WORD:cream 12563, pqrs 13672, ghi 14755, pqrs 15945, def 17205, pqrs 18822, WORD:rises 20424, tuv 21887, WORD:to 22698, WORD:the 24125, tuv 25536, mno 26680, pqrs 28020, WORD:top 29068, ENTER ----- the capital of our nation the capital of out nation 0, 2442, WORD:the 3885, abc 4675, abc 5777, pqrs 6542, ghi 7897, tuv 9675, WORD:capital 11926, WORD:of 13199, mno 14289, tuv 15762, WORD:out 17454, mno 18568, abc 19870, tuv 20965, ghi 22159, mno 23944, mno 25559, WORD:nation 26591, ENTER ----- there are winners and losers there are winners and losers 0, 5411, tuv 6518, ghi 7717, def 9506, pqrs 11253, WORD:there 12995, abc 14123, pqrs 16173, def 17711, WORD:are 19132, wxyz 20498, ghi 21756, mno 22519, mno 23284, def 24652, WORD:winners 26424, abc 27842, WORD:and 29526, jkl 30721, mno 31916, pqrs 33295, def 35145, pqrs 35909, pqrs 37256, WORD:losers 38053, ENTER -----