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TORONTO, January 7, 1998 -- Students are now able to begin their post-secondary education at Seneca College, and graduate three years later with both a Seneca diploma and a York University Bachelor of Arts degree, thanks to an innovative agreement between the two schools officially signed today.

"We believe this is an exciting and timely partnership. We recognize that there is more than one way to get to university, and this groundbreaking program allows students who feel more comfortable beginning their post-secondary educations at a community college to make the transition to university. We are also aware that so many university graduates want the specialized training of a college course. Students are demanding flexibility and choice in outstanding academic programs, and that's what this program offers," said York President Dr. Lorna Marsden.

The program is designed to provide students with experience in both a college and university setting, and allows them to earn a college diploma and university degree in just three years, instead of four or five.

Students begin by taking two semesters of courses at Seneca, after which they apply to enter the joint program and are accepted based on academic merit. Once admitted, students take a summer course at York, followed by a second year at Seneca, in which they also take a York course taught at the Seneca campus. After the second year at Seneca, students take another summer course at York, and spend the third and final year of the program entirely at York.

The program's official signing ceremony at Seneca College today included remarks from Marsden, Seneca President Stephen E. Quinlan, York Mills MPP David Turnbull, York Dean of Arts George Fallis, and Simone Ziv, a student currently enrolled at the Seneca and York program.

Marsden said these partnerships are the way of the future. "Seneca and York are responding to the needs of our students. This program gives students more flexibility as they make their way through post-secondary education, and gives them access to the outstanding teaching and research here at York," she said.

"This initiative can serve as a model for other institutions to follow, and we are proud to join York in this endeavour," said Quinlan.

York University is a leader in forging innovative education partnerships with institutions such as Seneca College. York and Seneca already offer joint programs in community rehabilitation, communication arts, early childhood education and gerontology. But this is the first program in which students begin at the college level and finish at the university.

York's previous partnerships with Seneca allowed students who were already enrolled in some of York's academic programs to get the added benefit of practical college training. This program means students can move in the opposite direction -- from college to university -- without having to "start over" when they reach York.

Students in this program also have the option of staying on for one more year at York, earning a B.A. (Honours).


For more information, please call:

Sine MacKinnon
Senior Advisor for Media Relations
York University
(416) 736-2100, ext. 22087
email: sinem@yorku.ca

Laura Mandell
Marketing and Communications
Seneca College
(416) 491-5050, ext. 2352


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