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"So What Can You Do with An English Degree?" -- Whatever You Want, Say York B.A. Success Stories At York University Career Day

TORONTO, October 15, 1999 -- York University will hold its annual Career Day for English majors this Saturday, October 16, with a line-up of winning professionals eager to explain that it is the oft-maligned English degree that is the basis of their successes.

Career Day, jointly sponsored by the English departments of Atkinson College, Glendon College, and Faculty of Arts, will provide some interesting answers -- from real-life success stories -- to the question: "What can you do with a degree in English?" Organizer and Atkinson English professor Diana Cooper-Clark said people are taking a second look at the value of a degree in English and recognizing the diversity of work in highly creative areas that flows from a degree in English.

Jill Planche, Director of Fundraising for the Shaw Festival

(Atkinson B.A. (Eng.) PhD in English in progress at York)
Helen O'Sullivan, Senior Vice-president at International Forrester
(Atkinson B.A. (Eng.)PhD in English in progress at York)
Talk 640 radio show host Marsha Lederman (Atkinson English student)
Harriet Lewis, University Secretary and General Counsel
(York B.A. and M.A. (Eng.))
Brian Metcalfe, Chartered Accountant
(PhD in English from U.of T.)
Kitchener businessman and computer entrepreneur Al Daigan
(B.A. in French and Italian from McGill. He will talk about the demand from businesses for English graduates)
Dianne Tromba, Financial Officer in York's Faculty of Arts (York B.A. (Eng.))
Carolyn Steele, York U. Career Development Co-ordinator (York B.A, M.A (Eng.) PhD in progress)
Julianna Drexler, Glendon Head Librarian (B.A. (Eng) PhD in progress)

York University Career Day or ""What can you do with an English Degree?"
Panel participants share how their English degree helped land them jobs or advance them in their current positions. Q&A session with students to follow.

Vari Hall B, York University, 4700 Keele Street

Saturday, October 16, 1999, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


For further information, please contact:

Diana Cooper-Clark
(416)736-2100, ext. 33488


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