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Climate Change

Student delegates report on UN Climate Change Conference

In December, two York graduate students attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa as non-voting delegates with observer status. On Thursday, Ewa Modlinska, an MES student in environmental studies, and Alex Todd, an MA candidate in geography, will share their observations on the COP 17 Debrief panel, in 120E Stedman Lecture […]

York co-authored study finds climate change is affecting bees

Bees may miss pollinating entire species of plants if climate change continues unchecked, according to a study released yesterday by a group of academic and museum collaborators including a York University researcher. The study, led by Rutgers University, finds that bees are emerging earlier each spring, advancing their life cycle by nearly a day per […]

Professor Timothy Leduc to discuss climate refugees at film screening April 29

Environmental studies Professor Timothy Leduc (MES ’01, PhD ’07) will be part of a panel discussing the environment, following a free screening of the documentary film Climate Refugees. The screening will take place Friday, April 29, from 6:30 to 8pm in Room 2158 JJR MacLeod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 1 King’s College Circle, University of […]

CC-RAI research partnership to host Canadian premiere of 'Sun Come Up' April 1

The Climate Consortium for Research Action Integration (CC-RAI) will host the first Canadian screening of the Oscar-nominated documentary, Sun Come Up – A story of the world’s first climate change refugees, at York University’s Keele campus on Friday, April 1. Students interested in how climate change will affect people in Canada and abroad are welcome […]

Countdown to Earth Hour: IRIS' Old to Gold fashion show highlights sustainability

York University students, faculty and staff are getting a jump on Earth Hour 2011 with Earth Hour, Every Hour, a special event tomorrow evening, March 16, from 4:30 to 9pm in the Winters College Master's dining hall. Hosted by the Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability (IRIS) in collaboration with the Ecologically Conscious Organization and Schulich […]

YIHR hiring administrative clerk; Knowledge Mobilization seeking five graduate interns for climate change projects

The York Institute for Health Research (YIHR) is seeking an administrative clerk for a one-year contract. Applications are due by Tuesday, March 1, 2011. The Knowledge Mobilization unit it also seeking five graduate interns (students enrolled in master's or PhD programs) for placement with a variety of municipal partners in the GTA. There are several […]

VIDEO: Professor Laurence Packer comments on ROM bee death mystery

Professor Laurence Packer in the Faculty of Science & Engineering's Department of Biology spoke to Global News February 12 about the sudden death of the Royal Ontario Museum's bee colony. Over 20,000 bees died in a 48-hour period. You can watch the segment on the Global News website. Packer is a bee expert who has […]

Professor Timothy Leduc: Include Inuit experience of climate change in Western debate

A York University professor’s new book aims to integrate the Inuit experience of climate change with Western climate research, and includes an Inuktitut companion to the volume, making it accessible across cultures. Climate, Culture, Change: Inuit and Western Dialogues with a Warming North, released this week by University of Ottawa Press, calls for a shift […]

Work in a Warming World project to host discussion panel on green jobs January 20

‘Green jobs’ have been increasingly touted as the solution to job loss and environmental crisis. Will Canada transition to a cleaner economy that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and employs a new generation of workers? Are green jobs the only link between environmental policy and employment policy? Defining green jobs raises further questions. What is a […]

November is Research Month: York celebrates with a series of events

Research Month celebrates the achievements and diversity of York University’s research community. Throughout November, the Vari Hall Rotunda will play host to displays and demonstrations featuring our faculty and graduate researchers. Drop by between 10 am and 2 pm each Wednesday to learn what York's researchers are doing. The Research Month index on York's Research […]