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Opportunity to participate in Tri Agencies Consultation Sessions

Important Notice to the York Research Community on Behalf of Research Accounting, Finance Department

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada [NSERC], the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [SSHRC] and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research [CIHR] have launched a new initiative to reduce the administrative burden associated with managing research funds. Their plan is to move towards a less directive approach for the administration and use of grant funds.

There are three phases and outcomes to this initiative

  1. A principle based financial administrative guide that promotes efficiencies and reduces administrative burden on Principal Investigators and their institutions
  2. Risk based financial monitoring reviews.
  3. Leveraging existing institutional finance policies, processes and controls for management of research funds and ongoing improvement in post awards management overall

The Tri Agencies are in the process of arranging consultations with grant recipients at selected institutions including York.

The Tri Agencies will be conducting sessions at York to inform Principal Investigators of this new initiative.  These sessions are an opportunity for Principal Investigators to provide their input on the administration and use of grant funds.

If you are interested in participating you are asked to register here and indicate which session you wish to attend.

Please note all full-time faculty members are welcome to attend the sessions.

We strongly encourage your participation.

Thank you