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Professor Robert Muller publishes psychology book for clients who resist therapy

A new book by York University psychology Professor Robert Muller offers help for therapists dealing with patients who resist treatment. Trauma and the Avoidant Client, to be officially released this week by W.W. Norton & Company, offers practical guidance for treating clients who withdraw into themselves or avoid disclosing painful past experiences. Right: Robert Muller “Trauma […]

Professor Valerie Preston says making the long-form census voluntary could hamper research on Canada's vulnerable

A growing chorus of Toronto voices, including the director of York’s Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration & Settlement (CERIS), is opposing Ottawa’s plans to change the national census, which gathers in-depth information from Canadians to form public policy, wrote and The Beach-Riverdale Mirror July 13: Beginning with the 2011 census, held every […]

Professor Souha Ezzedeen's study on men behind successful women recognized as one of 2009's 20 best on work-family research

After a review some 2,000 articles in 75 leading English-language journals worldwide, an article co-written by York human resource management Professor Souha Ezzedeen was chosen as one of 20 official nominees for the 2009 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. The annual award, presented last month, is named for Rosabeth Moss Kanter, who has […]

Call for Korean families to participate in SSHRC-funded survey

The Toronto Korean Families Study (TKFS), led by researchers at York University, the University of Toronto and the University of Windsor, is looking for participants. The study, funded by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, provides researchers with a unique opportunity to learn about Korean immigrant families in Canada. Participants must have […]

Professors examining differences in how immigrant Torontonians speak English based on ethnicity

Differences in the way Torontonians speak English may have more to do with how people express their ethnic identity than with any problems they are having learning to speak Canadian English perfectly, a study from York University suggests. Michol Hoffman and James Walker, professors of sociolinguistics in the Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics in York's […]

Surprised Canada's the 12-worst country for bullying? Professor Debra Pepler says examine adult behaviour

Canada’s ranking as the 12th worst country for bullying among 40 wealthy nations is an eye-opener, say the organizers of a childhood bullying prevention conference held at McMaster University, wrote The Hamilton Spectator May 29: York University Distinguished Research Professor in psychology, Debra Pepler, a PREVNet co-director and member of York’s Faculty of Health, said people […]

York study: Work hard at making a good marriage, not changing your partner

As Canadians continue to live longer, they can expect to spend more years with their life partners, whatever old age brings, wrote The Globe and Mail May 7: In fact, the research suggests that, while there’s no guarantee that sticking it out will lead to happiness, good marriages often get better later in life. “They […]