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Toronto International Stereoscopic 3D Conference begins Saturday

Conference driven by York research in digital media, psychology, vision and computer science The Toronto International Stereoscopic 3D Conference, a one-of-a-kind gathering of experts in stereoscopic 3D art and entertainment, takes place in Toronto June 11 to 14. Major figures from the USA, UK, Russia, Germany and Canada will convene at TIFF Bell Lightbox to […]

Worldwide Short Film Festival salutes York’s Film Department with retrospective

Hailing it as “one of the best film schools in Canada”, the Canadian Film Centre’s Worldwide Short Film Festival (WSFF) is honouring York University’s Department of Film with a dedicated retrospective screening at the Royal Ontario Museum on June 1. Now in its 17th year, WSFF is the leading venue for the exhibition and promotion of […]

York’s digital media, vision and computer science expertise driving inaugural 3D conference

The Toronto International Stereoscopic 3D Conference, a one-of-a-kind gathering of experts in stereoscopic 3D art and entertainment, takes place in Toronto June 11 to 14. Major figures from the USA, UK, Russia, Germany and Canada will convene at TIFF Bell Lightbox to address and analyze the latest developments in the field. The first of its […]

Professor Christine Jonas-Smith premieres film on families living with perinatal loss

York nursing Professor Christine Jonas-Simpson has always been keenly interested in loss and grief, how people experience it and how they integrate it into their lives in a continuing way. It was while doing research on daughters who had lost their mothers to Alzheimer’s disease that Jonas-Simpson experienced what she calls “the deepest loss of my […]

Professor Timothy Leduc to discuss climate refugees at film screening April 29

Environmental studies Professor Timothy Leduc (MES ’01, PhD ’07) will be part of a panel discussing the environment, following a free screening of the documentary film Climate Refugees. The screening will take place Friday, April 29, from 6:30 to 8pm in Room 2158 JJR MacLeod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 1 King’s College Circle, University of […]

Professor Alison Halsall joins Red Riding Hood popcorn panel

The National Post’s Popcorn Panel March 18 on the film Red Riding Hood included Alison Halsall, adjunct professor of English literature at York University [Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies]. She has published articles on “South Park” and Harry Potter, and is working on a study of the Victorian legacy in graphic novels: “Red […]

Professor Elizabeth Cohen featured in film about Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi

York University will host the Canadian premiere screening of a new feature-length documentary about Artemisia Gentileschi, one of the few professional women painters of 17th-century Italy. The film A Woman Like That will be screened tonight in the Nat Taylor Cinema, N102 Ross tonight from 6:30 to 9:15pm. Created by New York filmmaker Ellen Weissbrod, this documentary […]

York Film Downtown brings current graduate work to the big screen

The Department of Film celebrates the work of recent alumni and current candidates in the master’s program in film production with a screening of graduate works from 2009 to 2011. Dubbed “Depth of Field”, two free programs of short films will be screened tonight, March 7, at 7pm and 9pm at Toronto’s TIFF Bell Lightbox. […]

Watch Raccoon Nation documentary featuring two York researchers on CBC’s website

CBC’s The Nature of Things aired its Raccoon Nation documentary Feb. 24, featuring York psychology and biology Professor Suzanne MacDonald and PhD student Marc Dupuis-Desormeaux: The researchers tagged the raccoons with GPS collars to log their travels throughout the city, recording them at up to 1,500 points over six weeks. They found that the raccoons […]

Professor Katherine Knight’s documentary on Wanda Koop to open Reel Artists Film Festival

York visual arts Professor Katherine Knight’s documentary film about influential Winnipeg artist Wanda Koop in some ways mirrors the style found in Koop’s paintings: full of colour and precise, playing with the idea of glancing and observation, and entering into a world where the real and the abstract co-exist. The world premiere of the 52-minute […]