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Guidelines: Research Conducted In Educational Institutions

Researchers proposing to conduct research in elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities and/or other institutions of education are required to obtain permission from the institutions to undertake the research as proposed. Researchers shall be advised that ethics review is required both from the educational institution(s) and York REB. School boards, colleges, universities have their own […]

Guidelines: Research Involving Minor Age Participants

Age of Consent: Upon consideration of review guidelines at institutions across Canada and in reviewing relevant Ontario law, it was found that those participants aged 16 or 17 years may not in fact require parental consent to participate in some research activities. Thus, after careful and lengthy discussion, the committee has established the following guidelines for research […]

Guidelines for Conducting Research with People who are Homeless

PREAMBLE: York University has formulated policies for conduct of research involving human participants. This policy applies to all Faculties and the Libraries of the University. This policy is intended to serve as joint protection for the researcher, the study participant and the University in order to ensure attention to various rights and responsibilities of the respective parties […]

Guidelines for Research Involving Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples

Introduction In response to the experiences of York University researchers working in Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples’[1] contexts and in light of the Tri-Council Policy Statement, 2nd Edition (hereafter “the policy”), the Office of Research Ethics took on the task of articulating research guidelines for implementation of Chapter 9 of the policy. A group of Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples and non-Aboriginal/Indigenous Peoples […]

Data Security Guideline: Research Involving Human Participants

The privacy and confidentiality of data supplied by human research participants as a consequence of their participation in research projects is of paramount concern to both institutions and researchers alike. Under the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, researchers have an obligation to protect information from “unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, […]

Guidelines: Research Conducted in Hospital/Clinical/Medical Facilities

With a few exceptions, research conducted within a hospital or in conjunction with a hospital and/or medical facility requires REB approval from both the medical facility and the York REB (the HPRC). Given that the Hospital/Medical facility REB will have greater clinical expertise with regards to reviewing the protocols, the YORK REB requires the Hospital/Medical […]

Guidelines: Surveys and Research in an Online Environment

1. Surveys in an online environment Researchers conducting surveys on-line must obtain consent from the participants. Recognizing that obtaining a signature is not feasible; researchers are advised that consent must be obtained in an alternate manner. Implied consent, meaning that participants do not explicitly consent to participate by signature or by virtue of completing the […]

Biological Agents

The Biosafety Committee (BSC) at York has jurisdiction over all research involving biohazardous and/or biological agents that is conducted on campus. It is the BSC's mandate to ensure that such research is conducted in a manner consistent with the relevant regulations and guidelines including but not limited to PHAC's Canadian Biosafety Standard, 2nd Edition. It […]


All research involving animals is governed by provincial legislation (Animals for Research Act and national Guidelines (Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)). The Animal Care Committee (ACC) at York University has jurisdiction over all research involving animals conducted – on and off campus - by York University faculty, staff and/or students. It is the ACC's […]