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Professor Robert Drummond gives politicans how-to guide for connecting with averages joes

Is having an ordinary-guy, awshucks image really that important when it comes to an election race? wrote the Toronto Sun April 3: A York University political science prof says it's hit or miss. "Populism is an overused term," said Robert Drummond. "It means having ordinary people making decisions rather than experts – it's appealing, but […]

Professor and CRC Leo Panitch on renewed interest in Karl Marx

With the West suffering from the after-effects of the financial crisis and revolution in the air in parts of the world, could it possibly be springtime for Marx? wrote The Globe and Mail March 26: "I'm optimistic about the explosion that's happened in Wisconsin," says Leo Panitch, a political science professor at York University [Faculty […]

Professor Lisa Philipps notes one string attached to Harper's family tax cut plan

Income-splitting for families with dependent children under 18 is a huge policy initiative for Stephen Harper’s majority-hungry Conservative party, wrote the Financial Post March 28, in a story outlining the details of the plan. So huge, you wonder why it wasn’t the centrepiece of last week’s dead-on-arrival federal budget. But the Family Tax Cut plan […]

Osgoode Professor Lisa Philipps: Fiscal favours are eroding Canada's tax system

With Tuesday’s budget, the federal government continued its love affair with tax expenditures, those special breaks that target tax relief to select causes or groups, wrote Lisa Philipps, professor in York’s Osgoode Hall Law School, in the Toronto Star March 23: Like many Liberal budgets before them, every one of the Conservative budgets since 2006 […]

Professor George Fallis: Universities must confront political indifference

Edited recording of Fallis’ presentation available on LA&PS Youtube  channel Can universities cure political indifference? Yes they can, according to York Professor George Fallis. “Universities must address the democratic deficit,” said Fallis, this year’s Giambattista Vico Lecturer. They can play a critical role in confronting the democratic deficit pervading politics at every level – declining voter […]

York hosting public memorial for Professor Emeritus Arthur Siegel on Tuesday, May 11

Professor Emeritus Arthur Siegel of the Communication Studies Program in York’s Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) died on Wednesday, April 7, in Toronto. A leading scholar in the field of politics and media communications policy in Canada, Prof. Siegel was instrumental in shaping York University’s Communication Studies Program, which has grown to become a full-fledged […]

YCISS issues a call for papers on pop culture and world politics -- Deadline April 14, 2010

York University will host a major international conference on November 4 and 5 that will bring together more than 120 students, academics and artists to examine interactions between popular culture and world politics. For further information, visit the Popular Culture & World Politics Conference Web site. The conference, which is hosted by the York Centre for International & […]