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Listening to the Land

An Introduction to Environmental Justice and Storytelling

Over the years, the IEJ project has been collaborating with the Faculty of Environmental Studies on their High School Outreach program that focuses primarily on inspiring environmental change and social justice projects at local high schools in the GTA. (To learn more about this initiative, or to request a class visit to your school, please visit the *FES High School Outreach Website* ( Through this initiative, participants connected with the IEJ Project to explore stories of the land. The question of how Indigenous storytelling may provide guidance on achieving justice and resolving environmental issues was addressed. We also considered how Indigenous and non-Indigenous people might move toward reconciliation through storytelling. Finally, we asked participants, “What stories can you tell?”

These questions and more were addressed through hands-on, thought-provoking workshops. Through Anishinaabe storytelling, free association and environmental thought, youth were inspired to consider environmental impacts in their communities and schools in a safe, encouraging atmosphere.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow, Max Klein, Nasreen Hussain and Mika Mackinnon. October 15 & 22, 2018, Elmvale District High School, Elmvale, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow, Max Klein, Mika Mackinnon and Nasreen Hussain. December 10, 2018, Stephen Lewis Secondary School, Mississauga, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Max Klein and Nasreen Hussain. December 12, 2018. The School of Life Experience Alternative School, hosted at York University, Toronto, ON.

Listening to the Land Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow and Nasreen Hussain. March 20, 2019. École Ronald- Marion High School, hosted at York University, Toronto, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow, Max Klein, Nasreen Hussain and Aamina Masood. April 9, 2019, Pierre Elliot Trudeau High School, Markham, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice/Water is Life Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow, Dale Hamilton, Mika Mackinnon and Alina Lariviere. June 21, 2019, Baycrest Public School, Toronto, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow at the Standing Bear Leadership Camp, August 21, 2019. Hosted by the Indigenous Sports and Wellness Council of Ontario, in Peterborough, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow, Dale Hamilton and Mika Mackinnon. November 12, 2019, at the School of Life Experience Alternative School, Toronto, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow, Dale Hamilton and Mika Mackinnon. October 21, 2019, Holy Name of Mary College, Mississauga, ON.

Indigenous Environmental Justice Workshop, with Jayce Chiblow, December 2 and 10, 2019. In association with the Council of Agencies Serving South Asians, Brampton, ON.