Course Description
This course examines cognitive systems that guide our awareness, behaviour, and mental capacity. Major emphasis is placed on attentional systems and the study of consciousness.
This course provides an in depth examination of the cognitive systems that guide our awareness, behaviour and mental capacity. This is done through classic and recent research papers. The two areas of major emphasis are attentional systems and the study of consciousness. Topics in attentional systems include psychophysical studies, neurological disorders, and neurophysiological studies, for spatial attention, feature-based attention, and object-based attention. Topics in the study of consciousness include what is conscious awareness, blindsight, false memories/reality monitoring, and possible neural mechanisms.
Course Director:
Dr. Mazyar Fallah
326 Bethune College
Tel: 416-736-2100 ext: 20555
Grades will be determined on the basis of two assignments and class participation. The first assignment involves leading a seminar on one of the topics. The student will be responsible for presenting an overview of the topic including a review of theoretical developments and recent empirical literature, and leading the class in discussion. The second assignment is a term paper on a topic of the student’s choice related to material covered in the course. The paper is to be on a topic unrelated to their class presentation. The paper should be 15 double-spaced pages, excluding references. The paper should conform to APA style.
40% – Class Presentation
50% – Term Paper
10% – Class Participation
Azzopardi, P., & Cowey, A. (1997). Is blindsight like normal, near-threshold vision? Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, 94, 14190-14194.
Azzopardi, P., & Cowey, A. (1998). Blindsight and visual awareness. Consciousness and Cognition, 7, 292-311.
Barbur, J. L., Watson, J. D., Frackowiak, R. S. J., & Zeki, S. (1993). Conscious visual perception without V1. Brain, 116, 1293-1302.
Blaser, E., Pylyshyn, Z. W., and Holcombe, A. O. (2000). Tracking an object through feature space. Nature, 408, 196-199.
Corbetta, M, Akbudak, E, Conturo, TE, Snyder, AZ, Ollinger, JM, Drury, HA, Linenweber, MR, Petersen, SE, Raichle, ME, Van Essen, DC and Shulman, GL, (1998) A common network of functional areas for attention and eye movements, Neuron, 21, 761-73.
Cowey A. (2004). The 30th Sir Frederick Bartlett lecture. Fact, artefact, and myth about blindsight. Q J Exp Psychol A. 57(4):577-609.
Cowey, A., & Stoerig, P. (1995). Blindsight in monkeys. Nature, 373, 247-249.
Cowey, A., & Walsh, V. (2000). Magnetically induced phosphenes in sighted, blind and blindsighted observers. NeuroReport, 11, 3269-3273.
Crick F, Koch C. (2003). A framework for consciousness. Nat Neurosci. 6(2):119-26.
Crick, F. & Koch, C. (1995). Are we aware of neural activity in primary visual cortex? Nature 375, 121–123.
Dennett, D. (2001). Are we explaining consciousness yet? Cognition 79, 221–237.
Desimone, R, and Duncan, J. (1995). Neural mechanisms of selective visual attention. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 18, 193-222.
Dodd, J. V., Krug, K., Cumming, B. G. and Parker, A. J. (2001). Perceptually bistable three-dimensional figures evoke high choice probabilities in cortical area MT. J. Neurosci 21, 4809-4821.
Driver J. (1995). Object segmentation and visual neglect. Behav Brain Res. 71(1-2):135-46.
Driver J, Pouget A. (2000). Object-centered visual neglect, or relative egocentric neglect? J Cogn Neurosci. 12(3):542-5.
Egeth, H. E. and Yantis, S. (1997). Visual attention: control, representation, and time course. Annu Rev Psychol. 48, 269-297.
Egly, R., Driver, J. and Rafal, R. D. (1994). Shifting visual attention between objects and locations: evidence from normal and parietal lesion subjects. J. Exp. Psychol. Gen. 123, 161-177.
Farah MJ. (1994). Perception and awareness after brain damage. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 4(2):252-5.
He, Z. J. and Nakayama, K. (1995). Visual attention to surfaces in three-dimensional space. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 11155-11159.
Hoffman, J. E. & Subramaniam, B (1995) The role of visual attention in saccadic eye movements. Percept Psychophys 57, 787-95.
Jolij J, Lamme VA. (2005). Repression of unconscious information by conscious processing: evidence from affective blindsight induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Jordan, H. and Tipper, S. (1999). Spread of inhibition across an object surface. British J. Psychol. 90, 495-507.
Kastner, S, Pinsk, MA, De Weerd, P, Desimone, R and Ungerleider, LG, (1999) Increased activity in human visual cortex during directed attention in the absence of visual stimulation, Neuron, 22, 751-61.
Kreiman, G., Fried, I. & Koch, C. (2002). Single-neuron correlates of subjective vision in the human medial temporal lobe. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 8378–8383.
Leopold, D.A. & Logothetis, N.K. (1999). Multistable phenomena: changing views in perception. Trends Cogn. Sci. 3, 254–264.
Luck, S.J., Chelazzi, L., Hillyard, S.A. and Desimone, R. (1997). Neural mechanisms of spatial selective attention in areas V1, V2, and V4 of macaque visual cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 77, 24-42.
McAdams, C. J. and Maunsell, J. H. (2000). Attention to both space and feature modulates neuronal responses in macaque area V4. J. Neurophysiol. 83, 1751-1755.
Mitchell, J. F., Stoner, G. R., and Reynolds, J. H. (2004). Object-based attention determines dominance in binocular rivalry. Nature, 429, 410-413.
Moore, T. and Armstrong K.M. (2003). Selective gating of visual signals by microstimulation of frontal cortex. Nature 421, 370-373.
Moore, T., and Fallah, M. (2004). Microstimulation of the Frontal Eye Fields and its effects on covert spatial attention. J. Neurophysiology, 91(1), 152-62.
Moore, T. and Fallah, M. (2004). Control of eye movements and spatial attention. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 1273-1276.
Moore, T., Rodman, H. R., & , Gross, C. G. (1998). Man, monkey and blindsight. The Neuroscientist, 4, 227-230.
Moran, J., and Desimone, R. (1985). Selective attention gates visual processing in the extrastriate cortex. Science 229, 782-784.
Motter, B. C. (1993). Focal attention produces spatially selective processing in visual cortical areas V1, V2, and V4 in the presence of competing stimuli. J. Neurophysiol. 70, 909–919.
Newsome, W.T. & Pare, E.B. (1988). A selective impairment of motion perception following lesions of the middle temporal visual area (MT). J. Neurosci. 8, 2201–2211.
O’Craven, K. M., Downing, P. E., and Kanwisher, N. (1999). fMRI evidence for objects as the units of attentional selection. Nature 401, 584-587.
Pei, F., Pettet, M.W., and Norcia, A.M. (2002). Neural correlates of object-based attention. J. Vision 2, 588-596.
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Purves, D., Paydartar, J.A. & Andrews, T.J. (1996). The wagon wheel illusion in movies and reality. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 3693–3697.
Reynolds, J. H., Alborzian, S., and Stoner, G. R. (2003). Exogenously cued attention triggers competitive selection of surfaces. Vision Res. 43, 59-66.
Reynolds, J. H. and Chelazzi, L. (2004). Attentional modulation of visual processing. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 27, 611-647.
Ro T, Shelton D, Lee OL, Chang E. (2004). Extrageniculate mediation of unconscious vision in transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced blindsight. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101(26):9933-5.
Roelfsema PR, Lamme VA, Spekreijse H. (1998). Object-based attention in the primary visual cortex of the macaque monkey. Nature. 395(6700):376-81.
Rizzo M, Vecera SP. (1998). Psychoanatomical substrates of Balint's syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 72(2):162-78.
Saenz, M., Buracas, G. T., and Boynton, G. M. (2002). Global effects of feature-based attention in human visual cortex. Nat. Neurosci. 5, 631-632.
Treue, S., and Martínez-Trujillo, J. C. (1999). Feature-based attention influences motion processing gain in macaque visual cortex. Nature 399, 575-579.
Valdes–Sosa, M., Cobo, A., and Pinilla, T. (2000). Attention to object files defined by transparent motion. J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform. 26, 488-505.
Weiskrantz, L. (1997). Consciousness lost and found. A neuropsychological explanation. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Yantis, S., and Jonides, J. (1996). Attentional capture by abrupt onsets: new perceptual objects or visual masking? J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform. 22, 1505-1513.
Zeki, S.M. Parallel processing, asynchronous perception, and a distributed system of consciousness in vision. Neuroscientist 4, 365–372 (1998).
Zeki, S. & Bartels, A. Toward a theory of visual consciousness. Conscious. Cogn. 8, 225–259 (1999).
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