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I don't know what courses to choose for my! (or Video explanations of course choice for each program year)

A few important notes before specific advice! 

  1. The following are scenarios when you definitely should contact the Department and ask for assistance at least one week prior to your enrollment window:
    • you have a prerequisite course that is a repeated course
    • you have a transfer credit
    • you have a pass/fail grade
    • you have a deferred grade, or PDG 
    • if you are currently enrolled in a prerequisite course for a course you wish to take.
  2. Keep in mind we strictly enforce all prerequisite courses in the department of biology. Please do not email us requesting courses for which you do not meet the prerequisites.
  3. Watch out for GL/BIOL courses when enrolling! They are NOT SC/BIOL and DO NOT count for BIOLOGY credits or requirements! Tricky!!!

Advising Videos

Our new videos are currently posted to the Undergraduate Resources Page but we will post here soon! You can reach out to request the videos through the Biology Undergraduate Office if you can't wait.

Old (pre-2021/2022) videos for interest and FAQ! 

These videos are still helpful BUT remember: You should be following your academic calendar for the year that you enrolled! Occasionally degree requirements change so it is important that you know what requirements you must meet. 

If you are in First Year: 

Here are videos describing how to choose your courses for second year – Biology Program 

Presentation: Choosing your courses for second year – Biology 

Presentation: First Year Advising Part II FAQ 

Here are videos describing how to choose your courses for second year – Biomedical Science Program 

Presentation: Choosing your courses for second year - Biomedical Science 

Presentation: First Year Advising Part II FAQ 

Here are videos describing how to choose your courses for second year – Environmental Biology Program 

Presentation: Choosing your courses for second year – Environmental Biology 

Presentation: First Year Advising Part II FAQ 

If you are in Environmental Biology, please consult the academic calendar here and contact for advising if you have questions. 

Here are links describing how to choose your courses for second year – Biotechnology Program 

If you are in Biotechnology, please consult the academic calendar here and contact for advising if you have questions. 

If you are in Second or Third Year:  

Here are videos describing how to choose your courses for third year and beyond: 

Choosing courses for third year – Biology  

Presentation: Choosing Courses for Third Year Biology 

Presentation: Choosing Third Year Courses Part II FAQ 

Choosing courses for third year – Biomedical Science 

Presentation: Choosing Courses for Third Year Biomedical Science 

Presentation: Choosing Third Year Courses Part II FAQ
