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College Elections

College Elections

Why should you get involved?

Getting involved with your College or Faculty government is a great way to:  

  • Develop your professional and leadership skills  
  • Gain experience that you can put on your resume 
  • Build skills in areas such as finance, event planning, and more  
  • Be a voice to represent issues that face your fellow students  
  • Receive an honorarium of up to $5000 per year depending on the position
  • Create a legacy  

College Finder

At York U, each undergraduate program belongs to a college. Each college provides academic and social support throughout your time at university.

Not sure what college you belong to? Not a problem. Go to the COLLEGE FINDER click on your Faculty, and locate your programs of study to see what college you belong to.

College Finder for York University Virtual Winter Orientation

College Election Information

Election Timeline

Nomination PeriodFebruary 28 – March 11 at 12pm
All Candidates Meeting with CRO (via Zoom)March 11 at 6pm
Campaign PeriodMarch 12 at 9am – March 22 at 11:59pm
All Candidates Debate (via Zoom)March 16 at 6pm
YU Vote ElectionMarch 23 at 9am – March 27 at 11:59pm

Positions Up For Election

President (x1)

Executive Vice-President (x1)

Vice-President Athletics (x1) (2 individuals may run as co-reps)

General Members (x4)

Commuter Representative (x1) (2 individuals may run as co-reps)

Lassonde Representative (x1)

Who are the eligible voters for each position?

Lassonde Representative: Students affiliated with the Lassonde School of Engineering

All Bethune College students, including Lassonde School of Engineering for all other positions.

Descriptions of Positions

The President shall:

  • Have been a BCC Executive or Orientation Chair for at least one-year prior (unless no executive members or Orientation Chair wish to run for president in which case a member of the non-Executive or non-Chair may run for president)
  • Chair the Executive and Constitution committees
  • Be a member of the Hiring Committee
  • Act as the Chief Council Officer of the Community and therefore shall be charged with final responsibility for carrying out the wishes, legislation, policies, and Constitution of the BCC
  • Assist in the coordination of social, athletics, finance, academic, and orientation programming through collaborative management

The Executive Vice-President shall:

  • Have been a member of the BCC for at least one-year prior
  • Chair the Hiring Committee
  • Be a member of the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee
  • Assume the role of Acting President in the absence of a President and consequently re-assign the remaining duties of the Executive under the discretion of the Executive Committee
  • Oversee management and upkeep of council offices
  • Be responsible for internal relations and operations between the BCC

The Vice-President Athletics shall:

  • Have been a BAC Executive Member for at least one year
  • Chair the Bethune Athletics Committee
  • Be a member of the Executive Committee
  • Be responsible for all athletic programming of the BCC
  • Endeavour to encourage and increase participation of Community members in both Council and Community athletic activities

The Four General Members shall:

  • Be a member of the Social, Communications, Sponsorship and Finance Committee;
  • Plan a social event
  • Plan a council bonding event
  • Put up posters
  • Plan seasonal decorations for Bethune spaces
  • Scan all receipts and match them to adobe cheque stubs
  • Make callouts for Orientation week

Rules for Campaigning

  • These elections are done in good faith. Posts deemed degrading or harmful toward other candidates or toward the BCC will result in a penalization as deemed by the Bethune College Council and CRO.
  • Instagram and Facebook and other social media are all fair game for campaigning.
  • Absolutely NO campaigning during the voting period. This means you are allowed to let people know that BCC has elections going on, but please don’t mention that you are running.
  • Please take down all stories on Instagram before midnight as the voting period starts.
  • If a friend of yours posts about you during the voting period, it is your responsibility. Please ask them to take it down right away and let me know it happened and it is now taken down. This will ensure that there will be no ambiguity.
  • No post can be made on Bethune / york university-affiliated pages. This includes “york university class of 20–” or frosh groups. Clubs are allowed.
  • You are allowed to campaign in WhatsApp group chats during the campaign period only.
  • Do NOT run with another individual. You are running as an independent candidate. This means do not repost anyone’s posters and make sure to not repost posters in which more than one candidate is being promoted.

Penalties for Violating Rules

Penalties will be decided by CRO and president as seen fit. Previous year’s rulings will be used as a framework.

Rules for receiving complaints

Please email CRO

Rules regarding candidate promotion (including if/how council members can support candidates)

No promotion of candidates by council members is allowed.

What happens if there are concerns regarding how a candidate won?

Please reach out to the CRO, the case will be discussed by president and EVP.

How to appeal?

If the appeal is about how the candidate won please come to the CRO.
If the appeal is in regards to the CRO, please reach out to the president and an election committee will be made.

Election Timeline

Promotion PeriodFebruary 26 – March 26
Election Meet & GreetTBD (Informal, Drop-in event)
Nomination PeriodMarch 7 – March 13
All Candidates MeetingMarch 14 (Time TBD)
Campaigning PeriodMarch 14 – March 20
Voting PeriodMarch 21 – March 27
Official End of ElectionsMarch 28

Positions Up For Election

  • President | Président.e (1)
  • Vice President Bilingual Affairs | Vice-président.e des affaires bilingues (1)
  • Vice President Campaigns and Advocacy | Vice-président.e des campagnes et du plaidoyer (1)
  • Vice President Communications | Vice-président.e des communications (1)
  • Vice President Operations | Vice-président.e des opérations (1)
  • Vice President Social Affairs | Vice-président.e des affaires sociales(1)
  • Vice President Student Organizations | Vice-président.e des organisations étudiantes (1)
  • Vice President Student Wellness and Athletics | Vice-président.e du bien-être des étudiant.e.s et de l’athlétisme (1)
  • Bilingual Affairs Director | Directeur ou directrice des affaires bilingues (1)
  • Campaigns and Advocacy Director | Directeur ou directrice des campagnes et du plaidoyer (1)
  • Council Director | Directeur ou directrice du conseil (1)
  • Services Director | Directeur ou directrice des services (1)
  • Social Affairs Director | Directeur ou directrice des affairs sociales (1)
  • Student Organizations Director | Directeur ou directrice des organisations étudiantes (1)
  • Student Wellness and Athletics Director | Directeur ou directrice du bien-être des étudiant.e.s et de l’athlétisme (1)

Who are the eligible voters for each position?

Eligible voters for all positions are defined as constituents of Glendon College, as outlined in Section 1, Part 4 of theConstitution, and Bylaw 3: Membership.

  • Students taking a minimum of three credits at Glendon College
  • Students living in residence at Glendon College; and/or
  • Students with a college/faculty affiliation of Glendon College

Descriptions of Positions

  • President | Président.e
    • Do you care deeply about Glendon and student life? Do you view our community and see it for something possibly greater than what it currently is? Does serving as the GCSU’s chief spokesperson in all areas of campus life interest you? If so, you should seriously consider applying to be its next President! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.3 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Est-ce que vous vous souciez profondément de Glendon et de la vie étudiante ?

Voyez-vous notre communauté comme quelque chose de plus grand que ce qu’elle est actuellement ? Donc, si servir en tant que principal porte-parole de l’AÉCG dans tous les domaines de la vie du campus vous intéresse, vous devriez sérieusement envisager de postuler pour être son ou sa prochain.e président.e ! Pour en savoir plussur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.1 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.

  • Vice President Bilingual Affairs | Vice-président.e des affaires bilingues
    • Are you interested in being the front runner of bilingualism at Glendon? Do you want to work closely with francophone groups on and off campus to provide bilingual opportunities to students? If these responsibilities resonate with you, Vice President Bilingual Affairs is the position for you! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.3 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Êtes-vous intéressé.e à être le chef de file du bilinguisme à Glendon ? Voulez-vous travailler en étroite collaboration avec les groupes francophones sur et hors du campus pour offrir des opportunités bilingues auxétudiants ? Si ces responsabilités vous tiennent à cœur, alors le poste de vice-président.e des affaires bilingues est fait pour vous ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2,partie 8.3 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Vice President Campaigns and Advocacy | Vice-président.e des campagnes et du plaidoyer
    • Are you interested in implementing pivotal campaigns for the student body? Do you want to represent Glendon and the GCSU in various prestigious committees and meetings? Come help campaign for your student body, and apply for Vice President Campaigns and Advocacy now! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.4 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Êtes-vous intéressé.e par la mise en œuvre de campagnes cruciales pour le corps étudiant

? Voulez-vous représenter Glendon et l’AÉCG dans divers comités et réunions prestigieuses ? Venez aider àfaire campagne pour votre corps étudiant, et postulez pour le poste de vice-président.e des campagnes et du plaidoyer dès maintenant ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.4 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.

  • Vice President Communications | Vice-président.e des communications
    • Are you a person driven through making connections? Are you passionate about spreading the word of a bunchof cool ideas and projects? Does the idea of spearheading the GCSU’s social media interest you? Then you might want to consider applying to be our next Vice President Communications! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.5 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Êtes-vous une personne motivée par la création des connexions? Êtes-vous passionné par la diffusion d’un tasd’idées et de projets sympas ? L’idée d’être le fer de lance des médias

sociaux de l’AÉCG vous intéresse-t-elle ? Alors vous pourriez envisager de poser votre candidature pour devenirnotre prochain vice-président.e des communications ! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.5 of the GCSU Constitution. Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.5 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.

  • Vice President Operations | Vice-président.e des opérations
    • Are you passionate about having a smooth and inclusive team environment? Do you want to work in conjunction with council members to ensure efficiency? Do you want to help the President oversee all of the union? Then apply for Vice President Operations if you want to play an internal role on the Council! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.6 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Êtes-vous passionnée par l’idée d’avoir un environnement d’équipe fluide et inclusif ? Voulez-vous travailler en collaboration avec les membres du conseil pour assurer l’efficacité. Voulez-vous aider le ou la président.eà superviser l’ensemble du conseil ? Alors, posez votre candidature au poste de vice-président.e des opérations si vous souhaitez jouer un rôle essentiel au sein du conseil ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.6 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Vice President Social Affairs | Vice-président.e des affaires sociales
    • Do you like bringing people together? Are you interested in planning large scale events? Is planning and running pub nights, ski trips and Montreal trips something that you think you’d love to do? Then you should apply to be our next Vice President Social Affairs! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.7 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Vous aimez rassembler les gens ? La planification d’événements de grande envergure vous intéresse ? Laplanification et l’organisation de soirées au pub, de voyages de ski et de voyages à Montréal sont-elles des activités que vous aimeriez faire ? Alors vous devriez postuler pour devenir notre prochain vice-président.e des affaires sociales! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2,partie 8.7 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Vice President Student Organizations | Vice-président.e des organisations étudiantes
    • Are you passionate about making sure that your student union hears the voices of our many student organizations? Do you want to help them foster and grow their sense of community and culture on campus? Then you should definitely consider applying to be our next Vice President Student Organizations! To learnmore about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.8 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Êtes-vous passionné.e par l’idée de faire en sorte que votre association étudiante entende la voix de nosnombreuses organisations étudiantes ? Voulez-vous les aider à favoriser et à développer leur sens de la communauté et de la culture sur le campus ? Alors vous devez absolument envisager de poser votre candidature pour devenir notre prochain.e vice-président.e des organisations étudiantes ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.8 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Vice President Student Wellness and Athletics | Vice-président.e du bien-être des étudiant.e.s et de l’athlétisme
    • Are you passionate about cultivating well being? Do you want to see a campus that puts more attention to your mental and emotional health? Do you also want there to be plenty of opportunities for students to engage in athletics? Then it sounds like you might be our next Vice President Student Wellness and Athletics! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.9 of the GCSU Constitution.
  • Êtes-vous passionné.e par la culture du bien-être? Voulez-vous voir un campus qui attribue plus d’attention à votre santé mentale et émotionnelle? Voulez-vous également que les étudiant.e.s aient de nombreuses occasions de s’engager dans l’athlétisme? Dans ce cas, il semble que vous pourriez être notre prochain.e vice-président.e du bien-être des étudiant.e.s et de l’athlétisme ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctionsconstitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.9 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Bilingual Affairs Director | Directeur ou directrice des affaires bilingues
    • Does providing more opportunities to foster a bilingual environment capture your interest? Do you care about creating a space for people to develop their linguistic abilities? Then you should consider to be our next Bilingual Affairs Director! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2,Part 8.3 and 8.10 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Est-ce qu’offrir des opportunités supplémentaires pour favoriser un environnement bilingue vous intéresse ? Souhaitez-vous créer un espace permettant aux gens de développer leurs capacités linguistiques ? Alors vous devriez envisager de devenir notre prochain directeur ou directrice des affaires bilingues ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.3 et 8.10 de la constitution del’AÉCG.
  • Campaigns and Advocacy Director | Directeur ou directrice des campagnes et du plaidoyer
    • Are you interested in reaching out to advocacy groups on and off campus? Do you want to help represent and fight for marginalized groups? Apply for Campaigns and Advocacy Director now to start having a huge impact on the Glendon community! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2,Part 8.4 and 8.10 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Êtes-vous intéressé.e par les groupes de défense des droits sur et hors du campus ? Voulez-vous aider à représenter et à lutter pour les groupes marginalisés ? Postulez dès maintenant au poste de directeur ou directrice des campagnes et du plaidoyer pour commencer à avoir un impact considérable sur la communauté de Glendon ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie

8.4 et 8.10 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.

  • Council Director | Directeur ou directrice du conseil
    • Are you interested in supporting all of the Council? Do you want to learn about a variety of different positions?Consider applying for Council Director now! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.10 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Êtes-vous intéressé.e à soutenir l’ensemble du conseil ? Voulez-vous apprendre à connaître une variété depostes différents ? Envisagez de poser votre candidature au poste de directeur du conseil dès maintenant ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.10 de laconstitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Services Director | Directeur ou directrice des services
    • Are you interested in ensuring that the student body has access to key services, such as printing and SPC cards? Are you passionate about expanding what benefits students can get on- and off-campus? Then consider joining the GCSU as its Services Director! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer toSection 2, Part 8.6 and

8.10 of the GCSU Constitution.

  • Voulez-vous vous assurer que le corps étudiant a accès à des services clés, tels que l’impression et les cartes SPC ? Êtes-vous passionné.e par l’expansion des avantages que les étudiant.e.s peuvent obtenir sur le campus et hors campus ? Alors envisagez de devenir directeur ou directrice des services ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.6 et 8.10 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Social Affairs Director | Directeur ou directrice des affairs sociales
    • Does the idea of being an event planner suit you? Do you like creating decor, planning logistics and being the head of the show? If so, consider applying to be our next Social Affairs Director! To learn more about thisposition and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.7 and 8.10 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Est-ce que l’idée d’être un.e organisateur ou organisatrice d’événements vous convient ? Aimez-vous créer desdécors, planifier la logistique et être à la tête du spectacle ? Si c’est le cas, pensez à postuler pour devenir notreprochain.e directeur ou directrice des affaires sociales ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctionsconstitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.7 et 8.10 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Student Organizations Director | Directeur ou directrice des organisations étudiantes
    • Do you want to make sure that student organizations on campus get the support that they need? Do you want to see them thrive in everything that they do? Then consider joining our Council as our Student OrganizationsDirector! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.8 and 8.10 ofthe GCSU Constitution.
    • Voulez-vous vous assurer que les organisations étudiantes sur le campus reçoivent le soutien dont elles ontbesoin ? Voulez-vous les voir s’épanouir dans tout ce qu’elles font ? Alors, envisagez de joindre notre conseil en tant que directeur(trice) des organisations étudiantes ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.8 et 8.10 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.
  • Student Wellness and Athletics Director | Directeur ou directrice du bien-être des étudiant.e.s et de l’athlétisme
    • Do you care about having the time and space necessary for self-care? Do you thrive after a good day at the gym? Do you care about others having the same opportunity? Then it sounds like you might be our nextStudent Wellness and Athletics Director! To learn more about this position and its constitutional duties, refer to Section 2, Part 8.9 and 8.10 of the GCSU Constitution.
    • Souciez-vous du temps et de l’espace nécessaires pour prendre soin de vous ? Épanouissez-vous après une bonne journée à la salle de sports ? Souhaitez-vous que les autres aient la même possibilité ? Alors, il semble que vous pourriez être notre prochain.e directeur ou directrice du bien-être des étudiant.e.s et de l’athlétisme !Pour en savoir plus sur ce poste et ses fonctions constitutionnelles, consultez la section 2, partie 8.9 et 8.10 de la constitution de l’AÉCG.

Rules for Campaigning

  • Candidates may begin campaigning immediately upon attending and being dismissed from the all-candidates meeting and submitting their signed statement of understanding to the CRO and the DRO.
  • Signed statement of understanding includes the submission of all campaign materials, and subsequent approval of said materials by the Elections Committee, in accordance with GCSU Bylaw 1, Section 12.
  • Campaigning includes the distribution of any campaign materials supporting a candidate and election eventsplanned by the CRO and the DRO (i.e. speeches and debates).
  • The formation of pan-Council slates and ensuing cross-campaigning is not permitted, however, micro-slates andensuing cross-campaigning may be permitted for no more than two positions in the following acceptableconfigurations:
    • President & Vice President Operations
    • The two Vice Presidents Academic Affairs
    • Vice President Bilingual Affairs & Bilingual Affairs Director
    • Vice President Campaigns and Advocacy & Campaigns and Advocacy Director
  • Vice President Social Affairs & Social Affairs Director
    • Vice President Student Organizations & Student Organizations Director
    • Vice President Student Wellness and Athletics & Student Wellness and Athletics Director
  • There is to be no campaigning in residence; in the library; in computer labs, cafeteria, dining hall, and Lunik. There is tobe no campaigning in classrooms.
  • The GCSU offices (B125, B126, B127) will remain neutral during the course of the elections. The GCSU office may not be used for campaigning purposes. There is to be no discussion pertaining to campaigning or candidates insidethe office from the opening of nominations until the closing of poll stations.
  • The GCSU office and all supplies and/or services provided by the GCSU office may not be used for campaigning purposes unless with the permission of CRO and the DRO and supervision of a member of the Elections Committee.
  • All posters must be removed within forty-eight hours of the closing of the polls. Candidates are responsible for theremoval of their posters.
  • The use of other election paraphernalia (buttons, stickers, pamphlets, etc.) is permitted insofar as it does not infringe onother campaign rules or cause damage to University property.
  • The Elections Committee will immediately remove any campaign materials which do not comply with the regulationsas stated in this bylaw.

Penalties for Violating Rules

Per the GCSU’s Bylaw 1: Elections, Section 16: Appeals Process, any candidate may challenge the validity of the electionresults in a written submission containing their reasons to the Elections Committee no later than four business days after the close of the voting period. The CRO and the DRO shall investigate any appeal and make recommendations to the Elections Committee on the appropriate action. If it is reported that the rules outlined in the bylaw and at the all-candidate meeting are notbeing followed the matter must be referred to the elections committee and be voted upon with a consensus for individuals in violation of rules to be sanctioned. The severity of these sanctions shall be governed by precedence of prior elections and the discretion of the CRO, in consultation with the Elections Committee. Meetings by the Committee concerning candidate appeals require a detailed report of the minutes and proceedings of that meeting.

The Elections Committee can be contacted directly at All reports and supporting documentsmust be sent to this address to be considered during the deliberation process. Those that file a case may also request to have a meeting with the Committee. The Elections Committee must respond to an appeal and schedule a meeting if requested, withinthree business days.

There must be a formal written report for an appeal—from the person(s) filing a complaint. The Committee shall deliberate on the report and contact the individual. If the Committee finds that the report is lacking in information it may request additionalinformation, giving the appellant three business days to respond. The Committee shall discuss the central issues regarding thecase as well as the potential

arguments for both allowing the appeal of supporting the prior decision made by the CRO. Only material written in the report and discussed during meetings with the appellant can be considered in the Committee’s decision of the appeal.

The Election Committee shall decide on appeals brought forward by a vote of a two-thirds majority. The decision of the Committee is considered final and shall be upheld as a precedent for future appeals. The appeal, its proceedings, and decisions must be noted at the next scheduled GCSU General Council Meeting.

Rules regarding candidate promotion (including if/how council members can support candidates)

Per GCSU’s Bylaw 1: Elections, Section 20: Council Neutrality,

Clause 1: Sitting Council members must remain neutral during the course of the elections other than in the case of promoting theirown election or their micro-slate’s elections, as outlined in Section 12, Clause 3.

Clause 2: Neutrality is defined as not endorsing, officially or otherwise, any candidate or micro-slate per the standard set out bythe Elections Committee.

Clause 3: Council members who fail to uphold neutrality during the course of an election shall face appropriate consequencesas determined by the Elections Committee in consultation with the President and Vice President Operations.

What happens if there are concerns regarding how a candidate won?

Candidates are informed at the mandatory all-candidates meeting that any concern regarding the election should be brought to the immediate attention of the Elections Committee. Should an informal resolution not suffice, they are welcome to submit anofficial appeal.

How to appeal

For all information regarding appeals, candidates may refer to the GCSU’s Bylaw 1: Elections, Section 16: Appeals Process. Per Clause 1 of that section, “Any candidate may challenge the validity of the election results in a written submission containingtheir reasons to the Elections Committee no later than four business days after the close of the voting period.” The bylaw later stipulates that the Elections Committee can be contacted for the sake of appeals at

Election Timeline

PromotionalFebruary 28 – March 5
NominationsClose on March 7th
CampaignMarch 11 – 15
DebateMarch 16 at 5pm
Voting periodMarch 17-18

Positions Up For Election


VP Operations

VP of Communication 

VP of Events and Programming

 VP of Academics Affairs 

 VP Of Commuters Relations 

Who are the eligible voters for each position?

All McLaughlin Constituents 

Descriptions of Positions


  • To be accessible on a daily basis, including the Summer session, and act as an official spokesperson for Council in all matters pertaining to the business of Council.
  • To oversee all operations of Council. 
  • (upon many other duties)

 VP Operations

  • To assist the President in all of their duties
  • To organize and plan a Summer, Fall, and Winter Council-wide retreat. 
  • To ensure that each member and associate is accountable for their tasks and duties
  • To coordinate the efforts of each member and associate toward the mission of Council, as outlined in the constitution, and toward the Council goals, objectives and vision, as outlined by the President in the Summer retreat
  • To provide constructive criticism through regular feedback to each member 
  • To discharge the duties of the President in the absence thereof, and when the portfolio of President is vacant, to assume
  • (upon other duties)

 VP of Communication 

  • To be accessible on a weekly basis during the summer session
  • To coordinate, develop and present a marketing strategy by the end of the summer term that will ensure that the greatest amounts of McLaughlin College affiliates are aware of M.C.C services and events. 
  • This report must be presented to Council by the end of the summer term and a revised edition with any improvements must be presented by the end of the fall term.
  • To be responsible for designing, printing and ensuring that posters are exposed to the greatest amount of McLaughlin College affiliated students.
  • To be responsible for the maintenance, appearance and monthly update of the Council Web Site and other official notice sites of Council including, but not limited to, the Council bulletin board outside the Council office, the Council bulletin board in the lobby of Tatham Hall, and the display cabinet in Central Square.
  • To regularly document Council events and activities through picture and video for promotion purposes
  • To be responsible for the distribution of information on the Master’s Office List-Serve on a monthly basis or more frequently if necessary.
  • (upon other duties)

VP of Events and Programming

  • To chair a social committee, that will outline events for first semester, comprised of the President and a minimum of two other members of Council as of May
  • To propose events to Council, and if mandated, to plan, execute, and provide an assessment and to promote any activities and events that are deemed culturally and socially enriching to McLaughlin College.
  • To oversee, investigate, and report to Council on all aspects of events; including finances, ticket prices, and additional responsibilities of Members for such events.
  • To plan events and activities within reasonable timelines to allow the Communications department to maximize participation and to allow Council adequate time to prepare 
  • To initiate and aid in the planning of events for Orientation Week(s) and to be responsible for the successful implementation, if the Council does not hire Orientation Chairs. 
  • (upon other duties)

 VP of Academics Affairs

  • To be accessible on a weekly basis including during the summer session
  • To represent Council in any matter of Academic importance, and keep Council informed in these matters.   
  • To be informed of any pertinent Academic information or decisions.
  • To work with the Academic Advisor and Master’s Office in the implementation of Academic Orientation, Re-orientation, any other Academic workshops, and lecture series’.
  • To organize and chair a committee for all student clubs affiliated with McLaughlin College, and maintain a network of communication between such clubs and Council and the College in general.
  • To ensure that Members are familiar with the various Academic resources available on the campus, and the pertinent contact information, such as names, office locations, e-mail, and phone numbers.
  • To seek opportunities to do joint promotions or programming with clubs or between clubs in order to promote student engagement in McLaughlin College
  • To meet once each term with the Student Council of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (SCOLAPS) to seek opportunities for partnership and joint initiatives. To execute class talks to any McLaughlin College affiliated courses with information about upcoming events and services.
  • (upon other duties)

 VP Of Commuters Relations 

  • To be accessible on a weekly basis during the summer session
  • To ensure that Council events and activities are held in such a manner as to promote the involvement of McLaughlin students who do not live on campus, and as such to represent the best interests of commuting students in general.
  • To be responsible, along with the Vice-President of Communications, for the distribution of information on the Council List-Serv and/or any other methods of communicating with the off-campus student body.
  • To organize an event, or series of events, which are designed to bring commuting students to McLaughlin College, and promote their involvement in College events and facilities.
  • To promote commuter involvement in Council events and services at Academic Orientation and through Frosh Week mail-outs
  • To oversee accessible, inclusive and safe commuter sleep-over during frosh week and late events during the Fall/Winter terms, where reasonable
  • To ensure that all Council events and activities are properly advertised to the commuting students of McLaughlin, and as such ensure that they are properly informed of all such events and activities.
  • To encourage joint residence and commuter events. 
  • (upon other duties)

Rules for Campaigning

  1. The campaign period shall begin two hours after the close of the nomination period, and shall end at 6:00pm on the last day of set purpose
  2. A candidate will not be permitted to spend excess of $50 in the campaign, and must submit all receipts to the C.R.O.
  3. The posters cannot cover any emergency doors or signs 
  4. None of the promotions can affect other candidates which includes mentioning or disrespecting other candidates – so no smear campaign –
  5.  if you want to post them in the physical McLaughlin college you can only post them outside the office on the walls surround that main hallway around the green tables and office.

Penalties for Violating Rules

Demerit Points for Disqualification

  • All candidates will begin the election with 10 points each. Points will be deducted based on the violation of election rules. If a candidate reaches zero demerit points, they will face disqualification. The following are the number of points deducted for each incident of rule violation.
    • Campaigning before or after the campaigning period = 6
    • Use of offensive material/campaign smearing = 6
    • Campaigning in “no campaign” zones = 5
    • Running in a slate = 5
    • Social media violations (using club pages, tagging McLaughlin pages, etc.) = 5
    • Overspending on campaign/Failure to provide receipts = 4
    • Use of Unapproved Campaign Material = 4
    • Use of MCC materials = 3
    • Poster violations = 3
    • Any other unspecified offences: At discretion of CRO

Rules for receiving complaints

Will proceed with an investigation with the allegations made, rightfully make conclusion for the safety and security of students.

Rules regarding candidate promotion (including if/how council members can support candidates)

Candidate will only be allowed to promote on Instagram and Discord (election text channel) but no slandering other candidates. 

No bias for candidates from council members – can only post basic election related information – no posting specific candidates.

What happens if there are concerns regarding how a candidate won?

Where it is found by the Elections Appeal Committee that any corrupt or unconstitutional practice has been committed by a candidate at an election, or by that candidate’s agent(s), whether with or without the actual knowledge and consent of the candidate, the election of the candidate, if that candidate has been elected, is void. [Adapted from the Dominion Controverted Elections Act, s. 50] 

How to appeal

  1. A request or petition to appeal must be in writing and must be presented to the Elections Appeal Committee within ten days after the election.
  2. The Elections Appeal Committee may investigate and consider any issue concerning the election if requested to do so by a candidate or a student affiliated with McLaughlin College. All investigations and decisions of the Elections Appeal Committee shall be concluded within twenty days after the elections.

Election Timeline

Promotion PeriodFebruary 21 – March 4
Nomination PeriodFebruary 28 – March 11
Campaign PeriodMarch 12 – March 22
Voting PeriodMarch 23 – 27
Voting completed March 31

Positions Up For Election


Vice President Operations 

Vice President Finance 

Vice President Athletics

 Vice President Social

Vice President Promotions 

Vice President Academics 

Director Athletics 

Director Social 

Director Promotions 

Director Finance

Community Outreach Chair

Commuter Representative 

Who are the eligible voters for each position?

All New College affiliated students.

Descriptions of Positions


  1. Shall be available on a daily basis and active during the Summer session; and ii. Shall be the chief spokesperson for the Council and represent the Council to College Communities, York University meetings and functions, and the general public; and iii. Shall be responsible, along with the Vice President Operations, for ensuring that all contracts entered into by the Council are with due authority and in the best interests of the Council; and iv. Shall coordinate and implement the objectives and/or campaigns of the Council; and v. Shall report to the Council and the Membership; and vi. Shall be a signing authority of the Council and be responsible for the financial well-being of the organization; and vii. Shall draft the Council’s Annual Budget in conjunction with the Vice-President, Finance; and viii. Shall Chair the Executive Committee and the By-Laws Committee; and ix. Shall be responsible for maintaining the council website (; and x. Shall oversee the operation of the Council’s services in conjunction with the Vice President Operations; and xi. Shall determine if Council will produce Merchandise for the year along with who designs it; and xii. Shall ensure that the Vice Presidents carry out their assigned duties in accordance with their constitutional duties, the by-laws and as directed by Council; and xiii. Shall act as the Council’s liaison to the College Presidents’ Association (CPA) and the New College Office of the Head bi-weekly meetings and be a representative for LA&PS President’s Association; and xiv. Shall act as the Council’s representative to the Student Representative Roundtable (SRR) and xv. Shall be responsible for their respected Council e-mail account, and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that and questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion; and xvi. Shall be a YU Start leader during the summer term, attend all YU Start leader meetings, and play an active role on the YU Start platform chat. xvii. Shall work with the Orientation Chair(s) over the summer to assist in the planning of Orientation Week and attend the York Orientation Directors Association (YODA) xviii. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters; and xix. Shall attend all meetings of the Council and Executive Committee unless a valid excuse is presented; and xx. Shall create a transition binder for the incoming President; and xxi. Shall train and advise the incoming President.

Vice President Operations 

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis and active during the Summer session; ii. Shall be a signing officer of the Council; and iii. Shall be responsible, along with the President, for ensuring that all contracts entered into by the Council are with due authority and in the best interest of the Council; and iv. Shall be responsible for setting up office hours, sending notice for meetings to The Council, coordinating the creation of Council meeting agendas, keeping a record of attendance at Council meetings, arranging proxies for General meeting when necessary, and in all other ways acting as the secretary of the Council; and v. Shall create and monitor a weekly office cleaning schedule for Council office and ensure the schedule is followed; and vi. Shall be responsible for maintaining the Council’s Operational Policy in accordance with the motions passed, amended or repealed by the Council or General Membership; and vii. Shall create and maintain a binder designated for complaints, which will include all valid complaints in text. Each complaint must be followed up by the VicePresident Operations in a timely fashion, and inform the Executive Committee and Council when necessary; and viii. Shall be responsible for the development, hiring and coordination of any volunteer/paid positions for the Council; and ix. Shall keep a full set of books and records in proper order, including records of all business contacts in the NCC Business Contact Log-Book; and x. Shall be responsible for ensuring that the Council uphold all responsibilities in relation to the operation and delivery of any business initiatives; and xi. Shall be responsible for carrying out the duties of the President in the absence of the President; and xii. Shall be responsible for ordering office supplies as needed and maintain the general upkeep of the Council Office; and xiii. Shall be responsible for their respected Council e-mail account, and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that and questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion; and xiv. Shall be responsible for the distribution of emails and communication to the members of the Council; and xv. Shall assist in creating one (1) action plan during the first session (summer, fall, winter) of all members of Council; and xvi. Shall conduct performance appraisals at the end of the fall and summer sessions alongside the president; and xvii. Shall plan a Council Retreat during the Summer term; and xviii. Shall hold an up to date list of inventory; and xix. Shall be responsible for meeting with each Council member at the end of each session for a performance appraisal, outlining current performance and ways to improve for each Council member during each session; and xx. Shall be responsible for planning the Annual General Meeting; and xxi. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters; and xxii. Shall attend all meetings of The Council and Executive Committee unless a valid excuse is presented; and xxiii. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and xxiv. Shall create a transition binder for the incoming Vice President Operations; and xxv. Shall train and advise the incoming Vice President Operations.

Vice President Finance

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis and active during the Summer session; and ii. Shall be a signing officer of the council; and iii. Shall develop, recommend and present the annual budget to The Council in consultation with the Executive Committee; and iv. Shall liaise regularly with the Executive Committee during the yearly audit of the Council and the preparation of the Council’s audited financial statements; and v. Shall prepare and present monthly financial reports to The Council; and vi. Shall present financial reports and audited statements to the membership at a duly called membership meeting; and vii. Shall monitor the financial status of New College Council including budget variances and make recommendations to Council regarding major expenditures; and viii. Shall update all members of Council on their budget and financial position monthly; and ix. Shall assist with the coordination of fundraising endeavors; and x. Shall be responsible for processing of all club funding requests received by the Council and co-ordinate with the Vice President Operations and the Vice President Academics; and xi. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other duties as assigned to them by the NCC; and xii. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters; and xiii. Shall be responsible for their respected Council e-mail account, and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that and questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion; and xiv. Shall attend all meetings of The Council and Executive Committee unless a valid excuse is presented; and xv. Shall create a transition binder for the incoming Vice President Finance; and xvi. Shall train and advise the incoming Vice President Finance.

Vice President Promotions

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis and active over the Summer Session; and ii. Shall coordinate advertising for all Council operations and events; and iii. Shall overlook all duties of the Director Promotions; and iv. Shall overlook the promotional duties of the First Year, Commuter and Residence Representatives; and v. Shall be responsible for the maintenance and appearance of all Council social media channels; and vi. Shall be familiar with Adobe Photoshop, After Effects or any other image editing tools required, must be able to create vector files and create and maintain websites; and vii. Shall be responsible in obtaining and uploading pictures after each event held by Council; and viii. Shall be responsible for their respected Council e-mail account, and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that and questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion; and ix. Shall delegate duties, to other Members, where expedient, and where the delegation of such duties is allowed by the Constitution, and any other subsidiary regulation; and x. Shall be responsible to work with the Vice President Social and other members of the Council to ensure that programming information is posted at least two weeks prior to the program(s) or event(s) in the absence of time constraints; and xi. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and xii. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters; and xiii. Shall create a transition binder for the incoming Vice President Promotions; and xiv. Shall train and advise the incoming Vice President Promotions

Vice President Social 

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis and active over the Summer Session in the planning, coordinating and overseeing of NCC events; and ii. Shall present to Council a portfolio of events and records with respect to Welcome Week; and iii. Shall overlook the duties of the Director Social and Social Representatives (2); and iv. Shall respond to requests for and promote all activities and events deemed cultural and socially enriching to members of New College; and v. Shall ensure monthly events are being organized and executed; and vi. Shall create an action plan along with the Executive Team outlining events taking place throughout the year; and vii. Shall produce and maintain a budget with the assistance of the Vice President Finance; and viii. Shall communicate with the Vice President Promotions in order to successfully promote events throughout the college; and ix. Shall submit an event budget at least one month prior to each event to the Vice President Finance; and x. Shall oversee, investigate and report to Council on all aspects of events including but not limited to, finances, event reconciliations, ticket prices and delegated Member’s responsibilities; and xi. Shall ensure the major events for the fall term are planned and booked by September 1st; and xii. Shall ensure events for the winter term are planned and booked by December 1st; and xiii. Shall be responsible for their respected Council e-mail account, and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that and questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion; and xiv. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters; and xv. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and xvi. Shall submit a written report to the Council, prior to the completion of his/her period of tenure, outlining the events along with recommendations for the consideration of the succeeding Council to be passed at the last Council Meeting in April; and xvii. Shall train and advise the incoming Vice President Social; and xviii. Shall attend all meetings of the Social Association of York University (SAYU); and xix. Shall strive for at least one collaborative event with at least one other college per semester

Vice President Athletics 

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis including during the Summer session; and ii. Shall be the individual responsible for the promotion and administration of intramural and recreation programs within New College; and iii. Shall communicate with the Vice President Promotions in order to successfully promote athletics throughout the college; and iv. Shall produce and maintain a budget with the assistance of the Vice President finance; and v. Shall ensure each team has the appropriate attire as mandate by the Intramural Program before their game; and vi. Shall maintain any NCC sports equipment; and vii. Shall serve as the official representative and/or liaison for New College at all Student Intramural Recreation Council (SIRC) meetings; and viii. Shall ensure that the timely completion of all team rosters, bond forms, team forms, but not limited to those mentioned; and ix. Shall coordinate intramural athletic activities on behalf of the NCC, including any necessary policies and procedures; and x. Shall spectate New College games in which they are not participating in on a daily basis xi. Shall inform the Residence Representative of all sports that can create house teams; and xii. Shall be responsible for their respected Council e-mail account, and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that and questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion; and xiii. Shall work with Director Promotions to promote upcoming athletic events on New College’s social media platforms; and xiv. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and xv. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters; and xvi. Shall create a transition binder for the incoming Vice President Athletics; and xvii. Shall train and advise the incoming Vice President Athletics; and xviii. Shall overlook the duties of the director of athletics and the athletic representatives (2);

Vice President Academics

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis including during the Summer session; and; ii. Shall report to the Vice President Operations; and iii. Shall represent Council in any matter of Academic importance, and keep Council Informed of any pertinent Academic information or decisions; and iv. Shall work with the representative of the Head of the College’s Office in the implementation of Academic Orientation, Reorientation, any other Academic workshops, and lecture series; and v. Shall assist with the New Beat Publication as required; and vi. Shall organize and chair a committee for all student clubs affiliated with New College Council, and maintain a network of communication between such clubs and Council and the College in general; and vii. Shall act as a liaison between the College Clubs, other campus groups and the Council; and viii. Shall organize a Clubs Fair during orientation week; and ix. Shall be responsible for keeping an accurate account of all club funding requests received and granted by the Council; and x. Shall ensure that Members are familiar with the various Academic resources available on the campus, and the pertinent contact information, such as names, office locations, e-mail, and phone numbers; and xi. Shall maintain a network of communication with faculty student governments, and inform Council of all pertinent information from that correspondence; and xii. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and xiii. Shall be responsible for their respected Council e-mail account, and ensuring that it is regularly checked and that and questions or concerns arising from it are responded to, in a timely fashion; and xiv. Shall coordinate with other Members to ensure that relevant information is included in any upcoming issue of New Beat, or any other relevant student publication; and xv. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters; and xvi. Shall create a transition binder for the incoming Vice President Academics; and xvii. Shall train and advise the incoming Vice President Academics

Director Social

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis including during the Summer Session; and ii. Shall report to the Vice President Social; and iii. Shall ensure that New College has at least one (1) small (free) event per Semester; and iv. Shall plan one (1) small event on campus and one (1) small event off campus per semester; and v. Shall represent the Vice President Social at the Vice President Social Roundtable in case they cannot attend; and vi. Shall assist in planning one (1) night of Welcome Week; and vii. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and viii. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters

Director Athletics

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis including during the Summer session; and ii. Shall report to the Vice President Athletics; and iii. Shall present to Council an athletic event during orientation week to ensure the First Years are aware of the intramural program; and iv. Shall ensure that New College has clean jerseys; and v. Shall be the second voting member on the Student Intramural Recreational Council (S.I.R.C); and vi. Shall create and distribute a monthly calendar of all sports taking place throughout the year; and vii. Shall assist the VP Athletics in updating New College Students on upcoming sports and intramural events; and viii. Shall assist the Vice President Athletics in ensuring the timely completion of all team rosters, bond forms, team forms, but not limited to those mentioned; and ix. Shall make an appearance to at least one game per sport; and x. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and xi. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters

Director Promotions

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis during the summer session; and ii. Shall report to and assist the Vice President Promotions; and iii. Shall be responsible for taking and uploading pictures at all New College Council sports and must cover one game per sport (also includes rage events); and iv. Shall assist the Vice President Promotions in obtaining pictures of events they are unable to attend; and v. Shall assist the Vice President Promotions and Vice President Athletics in the appearance and maintenance of all Council social media; and vi. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and vii. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters

Commuter Representative

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis during the summer session; and ii. Shall ensure that Council matters are representing the best interests of commuting students and promoting the involvement of all off campus constituents; and iii. Shall be responsible for the uphold and tidiness of The Lounge; and iv. Shall be responsible with the assistance of the President and VP Operations for the recruitment and scheduling of Lounge Monitors; and v. Shall organize an event or series of events in conjunction with the VP Social, such as but not limited to an open forum, which are designed to bring commuting students to New College, and promote their involvement in College events and facilities; and vi. Shall ensure that the lounge bulletin board is up to date on council matters; and vii. Shall, prior to the completion of his/her period of tenure, submit a written report to the Vice President Operations outlining the events along with recommendations for the consideration of the succeeding Council to be passed at the last Council Meeting in April; and viii. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and ix. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters

First Year Representative 

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis as soon as they are ratified after the by-elections; and ii. Shall be a student enrolled in their first year at York University and be affiliated with New College; and iii. Shall promote the involvement of First Year students in New College events, activities, and facilities; and iv. Shall represent the best interests of First Year students to Council, and ensure that any events and activities of the Council are sensitive to these interests; and v. Shall put on an event, such as an open forum, which is intended to increase the participation of First Year students in College events, and garner opinions and concerns about Orientation Week, such that it can be improved in the future; and vi. Shall liaise with the Vice President Social when necessary, and will report directly to the NCC on the status of any projects; and vii. Shall assist the NCC with promotions and awareness; and viii. Shall, prior to the completion of his/her period of tenure, submit a written report to the Vice President Operations outlining the events along with recommendations for the consideration of the succeeding Council to be passed at the last Council Meeting in April; and ix. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and x. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters

Pond Road Residence Representative 

  1. Shall be available on a daily basis as soon as they are ratified after the byelections; ii. Shall live in Pond Residence; and iii. Shall meet with the Pond Residence Life Coordinator at least once a semester to discuss upcoming New College Council events; and iv. Shall ensure that Council events and activities are held in such a manner as to promote the involvement of New College students who live on campus, and as such to represent the best interests of residence students in general; and v. Shall work with the Pond Residence Don of Learning and Leadership Opportunities and Residence Council to encourage joint residence and commuter events; and vi. Shall work work with Pond Residence Life Coordinator and Vice President Social to plan one joint event; and vii. Shall, prior to the completion of his/her period of tenure, submit a written report to the Vice President Operations outlining the events along with recommendations for the consideration of the succeeding Council to be passed at the last Council Meeting in April; and viii. Shall be responsible for planning an NCC information session at the beginning of each semester minimum; and ix. Shall be responsible for updating the NCC bulletin Council and maintain a monthly calendar on the bulletin in Pond Road Residence; and x. Shall assist the NCC in the defining and an achievement of its goals, in the best interests of the Community, and shall engage in other such duties as may from to time be assigned to them by the NCC; and xi. Shall take a proactive role in all NCC matters;

**Descriptions for Director Finance and Community Outreach Chair are in development as these are new positions. Descriptions will be added at a later date.

Rules for Campaigning

None provided

Penalties for violating rules 

If rules are violated, the candidate will attain demerit points as a penalty. 15 total demerit points will result in the candidate’s disqualification.

Rules for receiving complaints

The individual can reach out to or and the elections committee will review the complaint.

Rules regarding candidate promotion (including if/how council members can support candidates)

Only candidates can promote themselves during the campaign period. The New College Council Instagram may also promote the candidates. 

What happens if there are concerns regarding how a candidate won?

The individual can reach out to or to address any questions or concerns.

How to appeal

The individual can reach out to or to address any questions or concerns.

Election Timeline

Nomination PeriodFebruary 28 – March 11
Campaign PeriodMarch 12 – March 22
SpeechesMarch 18
Voting PeriodMarch 23 – March 27

Positions Up For Election


VP Admin

Athletics Chair A

Athletics Chair B

Outreach Director

Commuter Representative

Who are the eligible voters for each position?

Any and all current students affiliated with Stong College as well as Stong College Alumni. Members of Stong College Head Office and Honorary Members are not eligible to vote.

Descriptions of Positions

President – Leads SCSG, guides ministries when needed, deals with inter-college relationships, assists the O-Chair for Frosh Week, liaison between the SCSG and the masters office & clubs. Prior council experience needed

VP Admin – Deals with intra-council issues, checks in on council members, and maintains office. Prior council experience needed

Athletics Chair A – promote, create, and manage intramural teams for Stong constituents.

Athletics Chair B –  promote, create, and manage intramural teams for Stong constituents.

Outreach Director – Runs charity events as well as holds events that benefit the community

Commuter Representative – Represents the Commuter Constituents, as well as runs/maintains the lounge.

Rules for Campaigning

Campaign Period: All physical posters can only be posted inside the three floors of Stong College, they are allowed to be placed within the cafeteria, but not within the caf kitchen/cash area. All posters and advertisements must be free of any slanderous comments about other nominees, council members or constituents. Posters and advertisements must also be free of any non-inclusive language, slurs, terms that could elicit bullying etc. Any and all virtual and physical posters must be removed before 11:59 pm the day before the voting period begins. Constituents are not allowed to tarnish, remove or edit any and all posters or advertisements.

Social media: Candidates are only allowed to post on social media platforms where SCSG also has an account/page (Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok)

During the campaign and voting period, candidates are not allowed to write on their advertisements, state or ask constituents to specifically vote for them, they can only inform constituents of elections and ask them to vote during elections in general. Furthermore, candidates (and all constituents) cannot vote using someone else device or YorkU login.

Speeches: All speeches will be no longer than three (3) minutes per candidate, if there are two or more candidates running together for a co-position their speeches will be no longer than five (5) minutes.

Question Period: Constituents may only ask generalized questions that every candidate can answer; “targeted” questions are not allowed. Candidates will answer each question in a staggered order; giving every candidate a chance to be the first and last one to answer the question.

Penalties for violating rules 

Nominees: The only penalty for violating any and all of these rules for nominees is removal from the running of the position. If only one nominee running as a co-position violated a rule (after being confirmed through investigation), the innocent nominee will be given the option to continue as a single nominee or resign from the running.

Constituents: If constituents are responsible for any rule violations (tarnishing campaign advertisements, or violating question period rules) they will be required to leave the premises where speeches take place and if possible (I truly don’t know if this is allowed or how it could be done and what other measures could be done) their vote will be void.

Rules for receiving complaints

The complaint will be investigated by the CRO and SCSG Exec Team. If the complaint has merit, then the procedure will be followed (as per the penalties for violating the rules above).

If the complaint does not have merit, a secondary investigation will be done by the CRO and SCSG Exec team into who gave the complaint as there is a risk of the complaint being a slander tactic.

Rules regarding candidate promotion (including if/how council members can support candidates)

Constituents: If a constituent is assisting a candidate in promotion, they must follow the same rules that the candidates follow

Candidates: Campaigning Rules Above

Council: Council members are allowed to promote candidates, but they must generalize and do so impartially. For example, if a council member wishes to post a candidate’s online poster on their Instagram story, they must do so for all candidates running for the same position. Council members can otherwise support ahead of the campaign period by giving advice on campaigning, speech writing etc.; this should be a private conversation between the parties involved. Council members (Webmaster and Promotions especially) are not allowed to create or assist in creating posters for candidates.

What happens if there are concerns regarding how a candidate won?

If there are concerns regarding how a candidate won, constituents are urged to email the SCSG CRO ( no later than five (5) business days after the election results have been posted. Similar to other rule violations, an investigation will be done by the CRO and SCSG Exec team. If the investigation is deemed to show a major issue with how a candidate won, they will be removed from their position and a by-election will be done for the position after April 28th (Winter term).

How to appeal 

Constituents must email the SCSG CRO ( no later than five (5) business days after the election results have been posted. In the email, they must describe which positions results they want to be appealed to, with given reasons why.

Election Timeline

Promotion’s period February 28 – March 7
Nomination’s periodFebruary 8 – March 17
Campaigning periodMarch 18 – 27
Voting PeriodMarch 28 – 30
All candidates meetingMarch 17 at 5pm

Positions Up For Election

  • President
  • VP Academics
  • VP of Social
  • Director of Finance
  • Director of Media and Promos
  • Director of Outreach
  • Director of Social
  • Commuter Representative
  • Athletics Chair
  • Athletics Vice Chair
  • Chief of Administration

Who are the eligible voters for each position?

Every person is qualified to vote at an election of a student to Council who, on the day(s) fixed for voting, is:

  • A member of Vanier College; and,
  • An undergraduate student at York University and is registered and enrolled in at least one course (or “half” course).

Descriptions of Positions

  • President
    • To maintain a record, in conjunction with the Chief of Administration, of phone numbers, locations and names of relevant executives, faculty and staff of York University offices, organizations, and student governments
  • VP Academics and External Affairs
    • To work with the VP – Finance and the Office of the Head to establish a yearly funding envelope for clubs and associations, hence review and approve the funding of Vanier College’s Academic Clubs, student organizations and affiliated organizations
  • VP of Social
    • To work closely, on a weekly basis throughout the Summer and Fall sessions, with the President and VP Finance regarding all monetary transactions pertaining to Orientation week, and to keep an accurate record of the same
  • Director of Finance
    • All money from VCC members, Vanier College Athletics and all complimentary individuals will be collected and monitored by the Director of Finance who will coordinate with the Vice President Finance of Vanier College Council
  • Director of Media and Promos
    • To ensure that the Council website and social medias are being maintained and updated at least weekly, in conjunction with the Vice President – Media & Promotions
  • Director of Outreach
    • To provide events and opportunities for constituents to further educate themselves about and/or donate towards causes that give back to the immediate community (i.e, (.) Canadian charities) as well as to communities found on a global scale (i.e, (.) International charities)
  • Director of Social
    • To present Council with monthly reports in the absence of the V.P. Social/Cultural on the activities proposed during the upcoming months as well as an evaluation of any event since completed
  • Commuter Representative
    • To work with the Director of Outreach, the Residence Representative and the First Year Representatives to coordinate a minimum of one (1) community outreach program left to the choosing of the aforementioned council members
  • Athletics Chair
    • To maintain all Vanier affiliated athletic ensuring that they are up to date. And encourage council members to take part in it
  • Athletics Vice Chair
    • Helps Athletics chair to ensure athletics duties are running properly.
  • Chief of Administration
    • To maintain, in cooperation with the President, an accurate list of all Members and associates of Council, including telephone, email addresses, and any other information deemed appropriate by Council, and to ensure that the aforementioned list is available and distributed to all members and associates of Council, the Vanier College Office of the Head, Student Community and Leadership Development, and the Y.F.S.

Rules for Campaigning

For a general election or by-election, a minimum campaign period of not less than seven (7) consecutive days, of which at least five (5) days shall be regular school days, shall be allowed for each position.

Penalties for violating rules 

If any of these rules are violated during the nomination and/or campaign period, there are 3 levels of penalties a candidate may incur. If these rules are violated during the election period, they are subjected to disqualification from the elections.

Rules for receiving complaints

All violations, concerns and/or complaints surrounding candidates must be sent to the CRO via email to Violation reports should include the following items: time and date of violation, name and contact information of witnesses, detailed account of what happened and any picture or video evidence that may support their report. 

Rules regarding candidate promotion (including if/how council members can support candidates)

The C.R.O. shall organize, advertise, promote and Chair at least one (1) “All Candidates Meeting” for the purpose of allowing candidates to make speeches and present platforms to the electorate, and to allow the electorate the opportunity to direct questions to the candidates

Councillors-at-large may not vote on any Motion concerning the election to portfolios of new and continuing Members, nor may Councillors-at-large vote on any subsidiary or privileged Motion connected with such election. For greater certainty, nothing herein shall be construed as changing or affecting the requirements as to quorum and, therefore, every voting Member of Council (including Councillors-at-large) may be counted in quorum. 

What happens if there are concerns regarding how a candidate won?

If there are concerns regarding how a candidate won, it must be reported to the CRO immediately for further investigation. The deadline to report these is within 7 days of election results being posted. Any and all concerns about unfair process of campaigning, voting, etc should be expressed to the CRO as soon as possible to ensure a just and democratic election has been conducted. 

How to appeal

Upon presentation of the C.R.O.’s report, Council shall ratify the report and, therefore, validate the election of the candidates who have been declared elected by the C.R.O. Council shall not validate the election of any candidate whose position is being contested before an elections tribunal. Council may, by Act of Council, establish, from time to time, an Elections Tribunal (including Council itself), which shall Act as a final court of appeal for all issues concerning an election.