Kirsten Andersen was appointed to the Board of Governors on July 1, 2019 and serves on the Investment and Land and Property Committees.
Ms Andersen is pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science, specializing in international relations and Canadian politics. Prior to York, she completed a Master of Arts in Political Science at the University of Toronto during which time she completed the Rothberg International School Special Program “Negotiating Middle East Peace” at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She received her BA in Political Science from the University of Calgary. She is currently a Teaching Assistant, in the Social Science General Education course “Markets and Democracy: The Development of Industrial Society”. Kirsten is an Executive member, VP-WIIS Toronto, York Division of Women in International Security Canada and founding member and co-chair of Women in Political Science, York University. Kirsten has received many academic awards including the 2019 Nathanson Centre for Transnational Human Rights, Crime & Security Graduate Fellowship.