Granting of Credit for Professionally-Oriented Courses Offered by Professional Organizations Which Do Not Grant Degrees

Granting of Credit for Professionally-Oriented Courses Offered by Professional Organizations Which Do Not Grant Degrees

Legislative History:

Approved by Senate Committee on Admissions and Recruitment; Approved by Senate: 1969/04/24; Date Effective: 1969/04/24

Approval Authority: Senate

Signature: Malcolm Ransom


Certain academic divisions of York University now offer at the undergraduate level, degree programmes such as Business, Public Administration, and Fine Arts. These programmes contain core subjects (such as Accounting) which are basically "professional" and yet at the same time an essential part of the programme.

Many students entering these programmes have had post-secondary training under the auspices of professional institutes and organizations (such as the Institute for Chartered Accountants, the Society of Industrial Costs Accountants). The quality of the professional courses offered by these organizations is easily established (the courses are usually drawn up, given and administered by University teaching personnel often within the University extension framework.) The Committee therefore feels that such courses may be justly considered equal in content and academic challenge with their equivalents in the Academic Division concerned, and therefore submits the following recommendation to Senate:


that certain courses with a professional orientation fitting within the programme of a division of York University, but offered by an institute or organization other than those already approved for purposes of credit, be eligible for credit towards a degree in the division concerned, provided the course in question is approved for this purpose by the Senate Committee on Admissions on the recommendation of an Academic Council of York University.