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Employees, Employment and Workplace

Employee Sexual Misconduct Policy

Employee Sexual Misconduct Policy

1.    Purpose York University (the “University”) is committed to a healthy, safe and respectful learning environment for all members of the University Community. The University discourages consensual sexual or romantic relationships between individuals in positions of authority (such as faculty, instructional staff, managers or supervisors, and athletic staff) and the students whose performance they are […]

Procédure de travail hybride

Procédure de travail hybride

la version englaise 1. Objectif L’engagement de l’Université York à soutenir un environnement d’apprentissage et de travail dynamique sur le campus guide les décisions relatives à l’aménagement de travail hybride (ATH). Cette procédure définit le processus d’application de la Politique sur le travail hybride(« Politique »), y compris la délimitation des responsabilités, l’établissement du type de travail […]

Politique de travail hybride

Politique de travail hybride

la version anglaise 1. Introduction L’Université York s’engage à adopter des méthodes de travail novatrices qui servent notre communauté diversifiée et font avancer nos priorités tout en continuant à promouvoir la durabilité écologique conformément aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies. L’Université reconnaît que le travail sera différent à l’avenir et qu’être un employeur […]

Electronic Monitoring Policy

Electronic Monitoring Policy

Preamble York University (the “University”) is committed to transparency. The University uses various electronic tools to secure its computer network, infrastructure and premises as described in the related policies, procedures and guidelines.  Some electronic tools also have capacity to record employee activity information.  Although the electronic tools may store information about employee activity from different […]

Hybrid Work Procedure

Hybrid Work Procedure

French version 1. Purpose York University’s commitment to supporting a vibrant on-campus learning and working environment guides Hybrid Work Arrangement (HWA) decisions. This Procedure sets out the process to apply the Hybrid Work Policy (“Policy”) including delineating responsibilities, establishing the type of HWA, and requirements/obligations related to working remotely. Relevant definitions are located in the […]

Hybrid Work Policy

Hybrid Work Policy

French version 1. Introduction York University is committed to innovative ways of working that serve our diverse community and advance our priorities while continuing to promote sustainability in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The University recognizes that work in the future will be different and that being a leading employer means embracing […]

Politique sur la déconnexion du travail

Politique sur la déconnexion du travail

Introduction La santé et le bien-être des employés sont de la plus haute importance. L’Université encourage et aide les membres de son personnel à prioriser leur mieux-être. Se déconnecter du travail est important et aide le personnel à atteindre un équilibre sain et durable entre vie professionnelle et personnelle. Se déconnecter du travail signifie ne […]

Disconnecting from Work Policy

Disconnecting from Work Policy

Introduction The health and wellbeing of employees is of the utmost importance and the University encourages and supports our employees in prioritizing their own well-being. Disconnecting from work is important and helps employees achieve a healthy and sustainable work-life balance. Disconnecting from work means to not engage in work-related communications, including emails, telephone calls, video […]

Human Rights Policy and Procedures

Human Rights Policy and Procedures

1. Purpose 1.1 Whereas York University recognizes the dignity and worth of every member of the York University community (“Community Member”); 1.2 And whereas York University seeks to provide for equal rights and opportunities without discrimination that is contrary to law; 1.3 And whereas York University has as its aim the creation of a climate […]

Smoking Policy

Smoking Policy

1.  Purpose This policy sets out requirements regarding smoking on York University’s campuses. 2.  Scope and Application This policy applies to all persons on the York University campus including students, faculty, staff, visitors, and volunteers. 3.   Policy For the purposes of this policy, smoking includes the use of tobacco or cannabis in cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, […]