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Home » Senate » Senate Executive Committee » Equity Sub-Committee » Senate Policy on Accommodations for Students with Disabilities - Consultations

Senate Policy on Accommodations for Students with Disabilities - Consultations

I am writing on behalf of the Sub-Committee on Equity of Senate Executive to invite you to participate in consultations on amendments to the Senate Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. The Sub-Committee has been engaged in an effort to revise the Policy over the past two years. It is now in a position to share changes it has developed during that process, one that was informed by comparisons with other university policies and advice from stakeholders. The draft amendments are also informed by public policy and societal trends. The Sub-Committee is confident that York can continue to be a leader in accommodating students with disabilities, and understands the need to ensure that amendments to the Policy benefit from collegial input.

The Sub-Committee has advised Senate Executive that it working toward presenting final recommendations in early June so that a proposal can come to Senate that month. Accordingly, I ask that you provide input by Monday, May 22. Please send your comments, questions and suggestions to Robert Everett of the University Secretariat (

Thank you in advance for contributing to this important initiative.

Maureen Armstrong, University Secretary

Draft Policy with Proposed Amendments