WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.440 --> 00:00:16.359 Natasha May (she/her): Hello again. Natasha May here educational developer in the Teaching Commons, and I'm very excited for this next and final instalment of our blog posts related to the graduate student programming at the Teaching Commons because there are 2 00:00:16.360 --> 00:00:39.880 Natasha May (she/her): 2 new offerings specifically for graduate students in this blog post that that we're talking about. So the first is the Instructional Skills Workshop or ISW for short and this is an internationally recognized certificate, and is not a new offering in the Teaching Commons, but in the past we haven't had particular ISWs for graduate students. We've piloted that 3 00:00:39.880 --> 00:00:42.149 Natasha May (she/her): with a small group and 4 00:00:42.590 --> 00:00:46.000 Natasha May (she/her): was successful. And it is a 5 00:00:46.230 --> 00:00:49.679 Natasha May (she/her): internationally recognized as I said 6 00:00:49.850 --> 00:00:54.169 Natasha May (she/her): program. It involves 3 full dates 7 00:00:54.410 --> 00:00:55.400 Natasha May (she/her): of 8 00:00:55.710 --> 00:00:56.930 activities 9 00:00:56.970 --> 00:01:01.350 Natasha May (she/her): specifically around instructional skills. Each participant 10 00:01:02.150 --> 00:01:06.170 designs and facilitates a 10 min lesson, and receives feedback 11 00:01:06.320 --> 00:01:23.980 Natasha May (she/her): from the perspective of the learners from the other participants in the session. So there's opportunities to apply that feedback in in future session, future lessons, as you teach one lesson on each of the the 3 days applying the feedback from from previous days. 12 00:01:24.200 --> 00:01:45.479 Natasha May (she/her): So that's one offering and the other is a more concentrated support for teaching dossiers. So we have, offered an introductory workshop a number of times a year about teaching dossiers and in the past the teaching dossier was part of a different certificate. So now we are 13 00:01:45.480 --> 00:02:04.630 Natasha May (she/her): creating what we call a teaching dossier circle, an opportunity for you to come and work on your teaching dossier, connect with other graduate students and facilitators, to get feedback, to, to discuss different ideas, and enhance or begin to compile your teaching dossier.