UNESCO Chair Newsletter March 2023 out now
Find all the news and events if you want to stay updated in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Check out our recent newsletter and sign up for future editions – one update per month.
Find all the news and events if you want to stay updated in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Check out our recent newsletter and sign up for future editions – one update per month.
A new look and a new format but still all the news and events you want to stay updated in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Read more and let us know what you think!
Learn about youth engagement in the Sustainable on the Go initiative today! We are pleased to announce the new addition to the Sustainable on the Go website today! Learn more about youth engagement for responsible and inclusive internationalization in higher education. The Youth Engagement Program was created as a strategy to mentor, guide and prepare […]
You are invited to join an interactive webinar discussing outcomes of 2-year stakeholder consultation on ESD indicator development for higher education institutions. Coordinated by the University of Twenter in the Netherlands, the Unesco Chair at York University Toronto, Canada Charles Hopkins & Katrin Kohl were 2 out of 9 experts from Europe and North America […]
Furthering ESD through scenario-thinking for the whole school COVID-19 has challenged education systems in unprecedented ways and demanded a new level of readiness. Schools needed to adapt to changing environments and reoccurring waves of the pandemic. Many school systems struggled in securing formal education for students while having to move from in-person to remote or […]
Many of you followed the story of the Lithuanian treaties, rescued by our UNESCO Chair Charles Hopkins. Why did a diplomat bring the original Lithuanian treaties, signed by many of the world leaders at the time, to Canada in 1949? Why did everyone think they had been lost during World War II? Find out more […]
The Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization Conference Publication is now LIVE! York International and the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainabilitywith their strategic partners, the International Association of Universities, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, and Okayama University, are excited for you to read about the insights and reflections from the virtual conference which hosted over […]