Women & Environments International Magazine (WEI) is a unique Canadian magazine that examines women's relationship to their natural, built, and social environments from feminist perspectives.

  • provides a forum for academic research and theory as well as professional and community practices and experiences
  • is not an academic journal
  • is run entirely by volunteers
  • solicits articles and artwork directly or through calls for submissions
  • welcomes non-solicited submissions and will review them with equal consideration
  • aims to include a diversity of voices and a broad range of ideas in every issue (however, the opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the editorial board)
  • reserves the right to post all or part of anything published in the magazine on the WEI website


  • Each issue is produced by an issue committee that coordinates submissions, selects articles/artwork for publication, and provides editorial revisions

Feature articles should not exceed 2500 words. Shorter pieces, book and film reviews, poetry and artistic expressions are welcome. If you would like to submit an article written in a language other than English, let us know and WEI will do its best to facilitate translation. All written work must be original and not previously published.


Each issue usually contains:

  • feature articles (1500 - 2500 words)
  • shorter research articles (800-1500 words)
  • book/film reviews (300 - 600 words) (see below for further information)
  • an "in the field" section that profiles innovative projects and organizations (750-1000 words)
  • Articles published in WEI Magazine should be written from a feminist perspective, using gender as a category of analysis
  • Authors should also consider class, race and cross-cultural dimensions, age, ability, and sexual orientation, among other aspects of socio-cultural diversity. In their submissions, authors should also address explicitly the relationship of women to their environments (broadly defined)
  • Submissions for all sections will be considered
  • WEI Magazine only publishes original material, with very rare exceptions
  • When WEI Magazine agrees to reprint or carry a summary of previously published material, this must be clearly stated and permission obtained to ensure the intellectual integrity of the submitted material
  • Authors need to inform WEI Magazine if they are submitting their manuscripts for publication elsewhere
  • If WEI Magazine is unable to publish submitted material, the author/artist will be contacted
  • All authors must meet the timelines established by the issue committee to be published
  • Except when specified, WEI is unable to publish abstracts or unfinished papers. To be considered for publication, articles must be finished and edited in accordance with the editorial guidelines of the magazine
  • Authors will be requested to confirm their authorship
  • All articles submitted to WEI Magazine must be written in a journalistic style, in a clear, easy to understand format that will capture the interest of a diverse audience
  • Theoretical references and concepts should be explained in plain language
  • Important sources and quotes must be acknowledged within the text instead of Foot or End Notes, or included as "Further Resources." These need to be limited to 4 to 6 relevant texts, websites or other. Texts should be listed by Author, Title, Publisher, Place and Year of Publication
  • The use of subheadings is recommended for feature articles
  • Book reviews are assigned or accepted based on the individual issue themes
  • WEI Magazine also includes 2 - 3 paragraph summary listings of new publications
  • The review, as accepted, remains the property of the author and can be reprinted in other publications
  • With the author's permission, WEI Magazine may reprint reviews
  • Book Reviews should be lively, highly readable, and evaluate a book from a feminist perspective relevant to the theme of a particular issue
  • While thoughtful criticism is encouraged, the review should be constructive in its style
  • The review must include:
    • name of author(s)/editor(s) and publisher
    • publishing date and place
    • cost of book in Canadian currency
    • at least a 300 DPI electronic version of the cover image
    • name and a two sentence biography of the reviewer
  • WEI Magazine prefers electronic submissions of manuscripts via email, but will accept hard copies by mail as well
  • Submissions must include word count at the bottom of the last page of the manuscript
  • Each manuscript should include a 50 word (maximum) biography of the author, including background, occupation etc., and further reading suggestions if appropriate
  • Authors should indicate whether artwork (photographs, illustrations, diagrams) is available to accompany their submission if published. WEI encourages submissions with visual aids
  • Author's name, postal address, and telephone number must appear on the manuscript

*Please indicate whether the author's contact information may be included at the bottom of the article so that readers may follow up ideas or projects

  • Feminist poetry submissions are welcome and should relate to the issue theme
  • WEI Magazine features a woman artist in each issue and gladly considers freelance submissions of photographs and illustrations
  • Visual art should reflect, but is not limited to, the theme of an issue
  • Must ensure the artist's or the photographer's name (if different from author) is on all submissions for photo credits
  • Electronic photo submissions must have at least 300 DPI resolution
  • Provide captions for all photographs and images
A self-addressed envelope must accompany all items that the author/artist would like returned

  • Authors/artists will be notified when a submission is provisionally accepted for publication (please note that because this is a volunteer run publication, time lapses between initial receipt of material and review for potential publication can be up to 12 weeks)
  • If a submission is provisionally accepted for publication, authors may be asked to make revisions as per the recommendations of the editors and/or reviewers
  • Recommendations will be communicated to the author in as clear a manner as possible
  • Authors should revise their work and resubmit it to the issue committee by the deadline specified
  • Failure to resubmit by the date requested may result in the rejection of the submission
  • Upon a second review of the submission, the editors will contact the author with further details and requirements for publication (date, additional changes, etc.)

WEI Magazine assumes a non-exclusive, worldwide, and perpetual right to publish and reproduce articles and art in any format in and outside the magazine context. This does not preclude the author/artist from granting permission to publish her/his material after publication in WEI Magazine. In return, WEI Magazine requests to be acknowledged as the original publisher. WEI Magazine reserves the right to post all or part of anything published in WEI Magazine on its website.

Thank you for your interest in WEI Magazine. For more information, please contact us at: weimag@yorku.ca


All documents and images remain the property of
Women & Environments International Magazine
Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
HNES Building, Room 234,
4700 Keele Street,
Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3 Canada

T: 416-736-2100 x 21055
F: 416-736-5679
E: weimag@yorku.ca