Best Paper Award for IEEE/WIC/ACM WI'10: Title: "Niche Product Retrieval in Top-N Recommendation" Authors: Mi Zhang and Neil Hurley (Ireland) Best Student Paper Award for IEEE/WIC/ACM WI'10: Title: "The Effects of Query Bursts on Web Search" Authors: Ilija Subasic and Carlos Castillo (Belgium) IAT Best Paper Awards for IEEE/WIC/ACM IAT'10: Title: "DLB-SDPOP: A Multiagent Pseudo-tree Repair Algorithm for Load Balancing in WLANs" Authors: Shanjun Cheng, Anita Raja, Jiang (Linda) Xie and Ivan Howitt (USA) Title: "Collaborative Learning of Ontology Fragments by Co-operating Agents" Authors: Heather S. Packer, Nick Gibbins, and Nicholas R. Jennings (UK)