Facilities Development has announced that, in order to proceed with the installation of Mechanical Services, the following roads will be closed:
(1) Corner of Fine Arts Road and Atkinson Road, from Tuesday, Sept. 10 to Monday, Oct. 28, 2002. Access up to this corner from Atkinson Road (off Pond Road) and Fine Arts Road (off Ian Macdonald) will not be affected.
To avoid the construction activity, pedestrian access to and from the Centre for Fine Arts at the southeast corner of the building will be routed west from that entrance to the walkway. We encourage community members to use entrances on the north side of the building during this period of activity.
Please note: The mechanical services trench on Fine Arts Road, from Ian Macdonald to Atkinson Road, is located on the north side of the roadway. Work on this section of the trench will commence the week of Sept. 16. Vehicular and pedestrian access from Fine Arts Road to the Centre for Film and Theatre and the Centre for Fine Arts will be restricted during this period.
(2) York Boulevard Eastbound, at Ian Macdonald Boulevard, from Monday,
Sept. 16 to Monday, Oct. 7. Vehicles are encouraged to exit the campus via Chimneystack Road or Pond Road. Please use Pond Road to exit the campus if you need to access Keele Street northbound. Access to the campus via York Boulevard and through York Common will not be affected.
Please click here for a map of the affected area: