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SARS and cads make news at psychological conference

Aug 11, 2003

York psychologist Esther Greenglass was quoted in The Toronto Star Aug. 8 about what she said was a failure to get the right information to the public during the SARS outbreak in Toronto. There was no place to get SARS information, and that led to panic and denial, Greenglass told a symposium at the American Psychological Association annual meeting in Toronto. “People needed help – they needed information and support and they weren’t getting it,” she said. “Instead, governments at every level focused on only one thing – the economic loss.”

Also presenting research was York PhD psychology candidate Maryanne Fisher. The Windsor Star Aug. 8 noted that Fisher’s study showed nice guys finish last when it comes to getting lucky. Her research indicated young women forced to choose between fictional cads and kindly would-be dads picked the dads for formal dates, for marriage, for road trips to California and even as the best prospective sons-in-law. But, asked who they’d prefer to “hook up sexually with,” the women spurned the dads for the cads.

On Air

  • The media’s strong interest in York’s role in the Mars mission continued. Earth & Atmospheric Science Professor Peter Taylor appeared on numerous broadcast outlets explaining the mission, its goals and how scientists will be searching for water on Mars as well as determining how much there might have been on the red planet in the past. York was mentioned on several shows including: “Ontario Morning,” (CBCK-FM) Kingston); “Radio Noon” (CBN-AM) St. John’s); and “Canada Now” (CBOT-TV) Ottawa.
  • “Morning” (CPAC-TV) Ottawa, Aug. 6 reported on the recent gathering at Glendon College for the “Kyoto and Sprawl: Building Cities that Work” conference.
  • James Brown, York housing services director, appeared on Global News, (CIII-TV) Ontario Aug. 7 speaking about what York is doing to accommodate the double cohort.

York in the Media


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