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Join the York team for CIBC’s annual Run for the Cure

By Staff | Sep 5, 2003

York University staffers Leona Fields and Kelly Glaze are organizing a York University team to participate in the 12th annual CIBC Run for the Cure Oct. 5. And they are urging you to sign up before Sept. 17 to get a free team T-shirt.

Last year, more than 140,000 Canadians participated in CIBC’s Run for the Cure and raised $14.6 million for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s (CBCF) fight against breat cancer. This year, the goal is $16 million. Some 40 York staff, faculty, students and retirees, like those below, participated and raised about $2,000 in last year’s event. This year, Fields, who is York team captain, aims to raise $2,500.

The run will take place in 36 locations across Canada. In Toronto, it begins from Nathan Phillips Square. Participants can run or walk distances of either one or five kilometres. 

You can register online or download the forms at Or pick up a form at any CIBC bank branch. Don’t forget to join as a member of the York University team. The registration fee is $25 (children under 18 are free), but if you raise $100 or more in donations, the registration fee is waived.

Every team member who is registered early will receive a Run for the Cure T-shirt with York University printed on the back. To make sure you get a T-shirt, submit a completed registration form and any donation forms to Kelly Glaze, Office of the Counsel, at N945 Ross Building, by Sept. 17. (It is not necessary to submit any forms if you have registered or received donations online. Otherwise, register and deposit donations at a CIBC branch and then submit your stamped forms to Glaze. She will not be handling any money.)

Of course, you can still receive pledges up until the date of the run. If you can’t participate, you are encouraged to make a donation. Go to the Web site above and click on “Donate Now.” You can sponsor Leona Fields, York team captain, or Hope, the CBCF virtual runner.

Submitted by Leona Fields, pension fund manager and York CIBC Run for the Cure organizer

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