York's new Viva rapid transit service will unfold in four stages. It goes "live" on Sept. 4 with new additions to service to be completed by January 2006. Stage one: Sept. 4 – Viva service will run along Yonge Street from Finch Station to Bernard (Blue Line), and Highway 7 (Purple Line) from York University to Town Centre Boulevard. Stage two: Oct. 16 – Viva service will be extended along Highway 7 from Town Centre Boulevard to McCowan (Purple Line); from Martin Grove to Downsview Station via York University (Orange Line); and from Don Mills Station to Unionville Station (Green Line). Stage three: Nov. 20 – Viva service expands along Yonge Street from Bernard to Newmarket Terminal (Blue Line). Weekday peak-hour service begins between York University and Martin Grove (Purple Line), and Unionville Station and McCowan (Purple Line). Stage four: Jan. 1 – All Viva routes will be fully operational. A new weekday peak-hour service will be added between Finch Station and Unionville Station (Pink Line). Service to Cornell is expected to begin in late 2006. Visit the Viva Web site to register for e-mail updates.
As of Sunday, Sept. 4, residents of York Region will be able to hop on a Viva rapid transit vehicle at any number of stations and travel to York University.