Writing a paper? You can create formatted bibliographies and footnotes with ease with RefWorks, a Web-based citation management software available at no charge to York students, faculty, and staff.
The Libraries are providing three orientation workshops on RefWorks. All workshops will be held in Scott Library, Room 531.
- Monday, Sept. 12, 10:30am to 12pm
- Wednesday, Sept. 14, 12 to 1:30pm
- Thursday, Sept. 15, 5 to 6:30pm
What is RefWorks?
RefWorks allows users to create a database of citations or references to resources, including books, journal articles, Web sites and more. It also facilitates automatic insertion of citations within a research paper (as in-text references, footnotes, or endnotes) and enables the automatic creation of a formatted bibliography using the citation style of choice (APA or MLA). RefWorks also allows users to provide easy read-only sharing of their reference lists with students or research collaborators using the RefShare tool. For more information see the RefWorks information page on the York University Libraries Web site.
How do I get RefWorks?
York University Libraries have purchased a licence for RefWorks software. This means that all York students, faculty and staff have access to this Web-based citation management software at no charge to individuals.