The Colloquium on the Global South at York University continues with a panel presentation on Gender Perspectives from the Global South, with Ontario Institute for Studies & Education doctoral candidates Evelyn Encalada Grez and Vivian Jiménez and York sociology doctoral candidate Elizabeth Asante. Presented by the University Consortium on the Global South (UCGS), this presentation will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 23, from 2:30 to 4:30pm in Room 305 in York Lanes.
Encalada and Jiménez, in addition to their studies, are working at the International Secretariat for Human Development (ISDH) at York University, to develop curriculum material that can be used in teaching gender and human development. The goal is to create an inventory of material that represents voices, experiences and conceptualisations of gender from various locations. Asante is currently working on a dissertation that critically examines how financial and aid institutions approach gender in a neoliberal and economic context through a case study of Ghana.
Future colloquia:
Nov. 30 – Biju Mathew, on cabs and capitalism in New York City
About the Colloquium on the Global South
The Colloquium is an open space for debate and critical inquiry for students, faculty members, members of NGOs, social activists and policy-makers. Presented by the University Consortium on the Global South at York University, the events are free and do not require pre-registration. For more information visit the University Consortium on the Global South Web site or contact Elena Cirkovic at ext. 55237 or by e-mail at