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York tech spin-off company wins research award

Jun 12, 2006

Ottawa-based Precarn Incorporated, a not-for-profit company representing a national group of corporations, research institutes and government partners supporting the development of intelligent information and communications technology, has announced that it has awarded Palomino System Innovations Inc. seed funding to support a $700,000 research and development project, the aim of which is to develop NetPal, a self-learning knowledge base for system administrators of networked environments. The grant is part of $2.3 million in funding assigned to five projects to support the research and development efforts of small businesses across Canada.

Created as a spin-off company from computer science research at York University’s Centre for Vision Research, Palomino will lead a project to develop the NetPal technology in collaboration with researchers at Dalhousie University and the Telecom Application Research Alliance, both based in Halifax. Half of the project will be funded by Precarn and the remainder by the project participants.

“Palomino is an excellent example of how the commercialization of York’s research has helped serve as a driver of economic growth and innovation in the GTA and beyond,” said Stan Shapson, vice-president research & innovation at York University. “This award demonstrates a virtuous cycle in which a company established out of our university research has matured to a point where it can now lead its own industry-university research collaborations.”

“We are very excited about this grant. Palomino has already conducted a successful research and development project with Dalhousie in the past and we are looking forward to working together on this project.” said Markus Latzel (right), CEO of Palomino Inc. “I believe that NetPal will prove to be an exciting new application for web-based knowledge management.”

Based on the existing Palomino flagship product, WebPal, the application is expected to improve efficiencies for large and small companies by cutting down on system administration overhead costs. The program will employ advanced pattern matching and rule extraction technologies and combine these with the proven WebPal Web Content Management System to assist network administrators.

For more information, visit the Palomino System Innovations Inc. Web site. For more information about this project and the others included in this award, click here to view the Precarn Incorporated announcement.

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