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Sex attack re-enactment on YouTube

Mar 12, 2007

Toronto police have posted a video re-enactment of a violent sex assault in North York on YouTube in an effort to catch a dangerous predator and prevent further attacks, wrote The Toronto Sun March 9. Investigators believe the man, who may be in his 20s, is responsible for assaulting at least two young women as they walked in the area of Sentinel Road and Murray Ross Parkway, just south of York’s Keele campus late last year.

"We wanted to make sure that all of the young women who attend that school have knowledge of this," Det. Larry Straver said yesterday of the decision to turn to the video file-sharing web site.

  • The National Post (March 9), Global TV and City/CP24-TV (March 8) also reported on the Crimestoppers video posting.

Libby vs. Fitzgerald vs. Black

Terry Heinrichs, political science professor at York’s Glendon College, wrote to the National Post March 9 responding to an earlier letter about the Lewis Libby trial that suggested the verdict casts a pall over the White House.

The only "pall" cast by the Lewis Libby trial is the one cast by Patrick Fitzgerald, the federal prosecutor, and the three-ring circus he has just concluded. Fitzgerald’s mandate was to determine who outed [former CIA undercover officer] Valerie Plame. He knew from the outset of his investigation that Richard Armitage, Colin Powell’s deputy secretary of state and no friend of the White House, was the culprit, not Libby. So unless he had some other purpose in mind, why did he draw out his investigation?

The Unknown Student

Robert Fothergill, professor in the theatre department of York’s Faculty of Fine Arts, wrote a letter to The Globe and Mail March 9 on the issue of awarding a Victoria Cross to the Unknown Soldier. Following last year’s rather moving ceremony, at which a set of old lecture notes was deposited in the Locker of the Unknown Student, Fothergill wrote, York University is planning, at a special convocation this summer – which we hope will be attended by Mr. Teletubby himself – to confer on the anonymous representative of so many thousands of missing scholars an honorary PhD.

York in the Media


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