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Antares Publishing presents readings and book launches at Glendon

Oct 24, 2008

Antares Publishing House of Spanish Culture is presenting the event Interculturality in the Americas: Argentinean-Canadian Poetic Voices, including readings and the launch of several books during the Festival of Images and Words 2008 at York’s Glendon campus.

The event, which runs from 4:30 to 7pm on Friday, Oct. 31 in the Glendon Hall ballroom, Glendon campus, will feature a Spanish poetry reading by María de los Ángeles Lescano, translated to English by Wendy Prieto.

It is also the launch for the poetry book Aquella luz, la que estremece/The Light that Makes us Tremble (Broken Jaw Press, 2008) by Nela Rio with Spanish to English translation by Hugh Hazelton. Susan James will present a reading of the English translation. Aquella luz, la que estremece/The Light that Makes us Tremble is a side-by-side bilingual edition. Rio is an internationally recognized Argentine-Canadian author, artist and arts organizer living in Fredericton where, for many years, she taught Latin American literature at St. Thomas University. Hazelton won the 2006 Governor General’s Literary Award for Translation (French to English) and is a poet, publisher and educator in Montreal. This is the third book by Rio that Hazelton has translated.

Right: Margarita Feliciano

York Professor Emerita Margarita Feliciano’s books – The Mermaid’s Gateway and Break-In Voyage, both published by Antares – will also be launched during the celebration; they were translated to English by Feliciano, a professor of Hispanic Studies at Glendon and the founder and director of Antares Publishing.

In addition, the proceedings from the international, multilingual colloquium, “Canada and the Americas: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Transculturality,” edited by York Professor Afef Benessaieh, will be launched.

Left: Afef Benessaieh

Glendon Principal Kenneth McRoberts along with Julio Miller, consul general at the Consulate of Argentina in Toronto and Alexandre Brassard, Glendon research officer, will open the ceremony.

A book signing by the authors will follow the readings.

Antares is a not-for-profit, trilingual publisher (Spanish/English/French) specializing in the original language and in translation works related to the Spanish-speaking world. It is housed at York’s Glendon campus.

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