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New chair of York's Board of Governors one of many July appointments

July 1 was a busy time for new appointments this year, including a new chair of the University's Board of Governors and several Faculty and administration leaders.

Paul Cantor (right) was appointed as chair of York University's Board of Governors, succeeding Marshall Cohen, effective July 1. A member of York's board since 1998, Cantor is the senior business adviser at Bennett Jones LLP, chair of the Public Sector Pension Investment Board, and a director at ING Bank of Canada and the Intact Financial Corporation. He holds a BA from the University of Alberta and an LLB from the University of Toronto. Cantor has been a director on many private and public sector boards and community associations, including the Toronto International Leadership Centre for Financial Sector Supervision, the Lewis Perinbaum Award for International Development, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the Stratford Shakspeare Festival. He also served as chair of the Task Force on Lifelong Learning of the Ontario Premiers Council on Economic Renewal.

Ozench Ibrahim (left) was also appointed to the York University Board of Governors. Ibrahim is an associate partner with KPMG Toronto, Financial Institutions Practice. She holds a BSc in business administration and an MA degree in accounting from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship. She also holds a chartered accountacy designation from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO) and is a candidate for a Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Prior to joining KPMG, Imbrahim was a lecturer at the Near East University in Cyprus and a senior accountant at the Cyprus Economy Bank. She has volunteered with several associations, including the American Heart Association and the ICAO.

Patrick Monahan, dean of Osgoode Hall Law School from 2003, succeeded Sheila Embleton as vice-president academic & provost, while Professor Jinyan Li became the interim dean of Osgoode.

Rhonda Lenton, who had served as dean of the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies since 2002, became the new associate vice-president academic at York, succeeding Rodney Webb, a professor of biology in the Faculty of Science & Engineering.

Martin Singer, formerly of Concordia University, took over as dean of York's newest and largest Faculty, the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS), which succeeds Atkinson and the Faculty of Arts.  

Lorna Wright, a professor of international business at the Schulich School of Business and chair of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Council, became associate vice-president international, taking the reins from Adrian Shubert, professor of history in LA&PS.

Chief Information Officer Bob Gagne took on the role of head of University Information Technology, a new unit incorporating Computing & Network Services and Finance & Administration Information Technology Services.

Kenneth McRoberts was appointed principal of Glendon College for another term.

In addition, Professor Walter Tholen, currently associate dean, research & faculty affairs, will serve as interim dean of the Faculty of Science & Engineering effective Aug. 1, after Nick Cercone steps down as dean, effective July 31, for health reasons.

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