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Annual Goldfarb lecture will consider American artist Andy Warhol

Celebrated American feminist scholar, cultural theorist and author Peggy Phelan is the featured speaker tomorrow for the 2009 Goldfarb Lecture in Visual Arts at York University.

In her talk, “Andy Warhol Again: Repetition, Death & Counting”, Phelan will consider the psychological mathematics at the heart of Warhol's art. The talk will take place Thursday, Nov. 12, from 2:30 to 4:30pm, in 312 Joan & Martin Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts on York's Keele campus.

“Warhol was a master of repetition,” says Phelan. “He gave us soup cans, celebrities, electric chairs, car wrecks, green stamps and Jesus, over and over again. But why exactly was he so compelled to repeat his repetitions? What was he counting on and how did he count, then and now?”

An internationally recognized authority on contemporary performance and visual culture, Phelan is a professor of drama and English and holds the Ann O'Day Maples Chair in the Arts at Stanford University. She has been a Guggenheim Fellow and a Fellow of the Getty Research Institute and of the Humanities Institutes at the University of California, Irvine, and Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. She is a past president of Performance Studies International.

Phelan’s talk is the sixth in a series of annual, free public lectures made possible through the generous support of Joan and Martin Goldfarb. The event is presented by York's Department of Visual Arts in association with the Toronto Photography Seminar, and is supported by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada and York's Department of Theatre.

For more information on the 2009 Goldfarb Lecture, visit the Department of Visual Arts Web site.

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