York Security Services officers April Nietzschmann, Kelly Young and Dana Lacarte-Maule are almost at the finish line in their effort to fund their step-by-step undertaking to fight women’s cancers.
The trio recently formed the York’s Angels team with a goal of raising enough funds to participate in the Toronto version of the Weekend to End Women's Cancers walk Sept. 11 and 12 (see YFile, July 19). To date, they’ve successfully raised enough to send Young and Lacarte-Maule on the walk. Nietzschmann will cheer on her teammates from the sidelines.
"Thank you to everyone in the York University community for their support," said Lacarte-Maule. "Kelly, April and I are so grateful and look forward to representing the University in this important event."

All monies raised by the walkers go to benefit the Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute at Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital.
Last year, more than 4,000 participants raised $11.6 million in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. In 2010, as a reflection of its new mandate, the event's name was changed to the Weekend to End Women's Cancers benefiting the Princess Margaret Hospital.
For more information on York's Angels, contact April Nietzschmann at apriln@yorku.ca, Kelly Young at kellyy@yorku.ca or Dana Lacarte-Maule at dlacarte@yorku.ca.
It is still possible to donate to the York team online by visiting the Weekend to End Women's Cancers Web site and clicking on "Donate" or you can visit the York's Angels Web page.
On Aug. 8 & 9, walkers in Edmonton's Weekend to End Women's Cancers raised more than $1.8 million for cancer research, screening initiatives and patient programs that will not only benefit those suffering from breast cancer, but all women’s cancers.