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Renovated law school welcomes back faculty and staff

York's Osgoode Hall Law School building under renovation

                  Above: York's Osgoode Hall Law School building under renovation

After two years in self-imposed exile, Osgoode Hall Law School faculty and staff are moving back home.

Now that the $50-million renovation and expansion of Osgoode’s 43-year-old building on York's Keele campus is almost complete, 125 temporarily displaced faculty and staff are leaving their temporary offices to relocate in the law school’s brand new offices. They started moving out of Ross and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) buildings Aug. 3 and most will be resettled by Aug. 15.

Two offices – Osgoode’s Recruitment, Admissions & Career Development and Information Technology Services – were the first to pack computers, desks, phones, filing cabinets and boxes for the exodus. The contents of the remaining offices will follow this week, with the Office of the Dean being the last one out next Monday.

“This is the moment we’ve been waiting for,” said Osgoode Dean Lorne Sossin. “We are thrilled to be moving back into our superb new home. It marks the beginning of a new era in the life of the law school, one that is more student-focused and that gives us the space for new centres and the delivery of new programs.”

The building will remain closed to the public until Aug. 15. Hoarding will block off some areas that New offices under construction in Osgoode Hall Law School buildingcontinue to be under construction. Everything will be ready for the start of classes on Aug. 29.

Right: New offices under construction in Osgoode Hall Law School building

“Everyone’s very excited about moving back,” said Helen Huang, Osgoode’s executive officer. “We have so many people to thank at York for helping to see us through the past two years of construction. We just want the entire York University community to know how much we have appreciated their encouragement and support.”

Planning is underway for a gala open house Oct. 16. Watch for details later this month.

The building renovation was designed by Diamond and Schmitt Architects Inc.

The project was made possible in part by an Osgoode fundraising campaign that raised $38 million, the largest in Canadian law school history. Federal and provincial governments, through the Knowledge Infrastructure Program, committed $25 million to the renovation, and York University gave an additional $15 million.

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