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Green tip of the week: A zippy way to travel

Dec 7, 2012

Walking, cycling and taking public transit are the greenest ways of getting around, but some trips are easier done with a car. For those looking for the convenience of an automobile without all of the everyday economic and environmental costs, car sharing is an option worth checking out.

Car sharing allows users to borrow a car for short periods of time – typically an hour or two – at minimal cost and without all of the other responsibilities of car ownership. York University currently has 12 Zipcars in 2 locations on the Keele campus. For more information on the Zipcar program at York, visit the Zipcar page and the Transportation Services page.

The Green Tip of the Week is brought to you by sustainability@yorku. Check out the Sustainability website, sign your office up for the Green Office program, become a Sustainability Ambassador and like our Facebook page. It’s never been easier to get involved in sustainability at York University.

Do you have any green tips to share? E-mail and your idea could be featured in a Green Tip of the Week.

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