The President’s University-Wide Teaching Awards (UWTA) honour those individuals who, through innovation and commitment, have significantly enhanced the quality of learning for York students. Four awards are offered each year in the following categories:
- Full-time faculty with 10 or more years of teaching experience;
- Full-time faculty (tenured, tenure-stream, contractually limited appointments) with less than 10 years of experience;
- Contract and adjunct faculty;
- Teaching assistants.
The purpose of these awards is to provide significant recognition for excellence in teaching, to encourage its pursuit, to publicize such excellence when achieved across the University and in the wider community, and to promote informed discussion of teaching and its improvement. The awards demonstrate the value York University attaches to teaching.
Recipients of the awards, selected by the Senate Committee on Awards, receive $3,000, have their names engraved on the University-Wide Teaching Awards plaques in Vari Hall and are recognized at convocation ceremonies. Nominations can be submitted by faculty, students or alumni.
The deadline for the 2014 President’s UWTA is Feb. 7, 2014. Nominations may only be submitted online.
A PDF download of the President's UWTA criteria and online nomination form are available from the Awards webpage.