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Psychology students display research Monday in Vari Hall

What is the role of power and trust in forgiving someone? How does trauma affect parental stress? Come to the Department of Psychology Poster Day Monday to find out the answers to these and many more questions.

Last year's Department of Psychology's Honours Thesis Poster Day

Last year's Department of Psychology's Honours Thesis Poster Day

The Poster Day is the culmination of a year of thesis research for fourth-year psychology students who have completed an independent honours thesis. This year, about 80 students will present the findings of their work in the Vari Hall Rotunda April 7 from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Each of the students presenting their work has worked in one of the Faculty of Health laboratories since September designing a research study, collecting and analyzing the data, and writing up their findings. Details of the various studies will be summarized and displayed on posters in the style typical of professional psychology conferences.

Faculty, graduate students and other interested parties will have an opportunity to view the posters and ask questions of the student researchers.

The research covers an enormous range of topics within psychology, including cognition in pediatric multiple sclerosis, racial discrimination among Asians in Canada, and the neural substrates of dance.

Following the poster display, the top two posters will be awarded a prize based on the rankings of a panel of graduate student judges.