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Environmental studies planning alumni gear up to host 10th annual Alumni Social

The MES York University Planning Alumni Committee (MYPAC), an alumni chapter, will host the 10th annual MYPAC Alumni Social, providing fellow students, alumni and professionals an opportunity to socialize and network in a vibrant Toronto space.

From left, Jane McFarlane (MES '09), chair MYPAC, and Ruth Rendon (MES '03), founding member and events coordinator MYPAC

From left, Jane McFarlane (MES '09), chair MYPAC, and Ruth Rendon (MES '03), founding member and events coordinator MYPAC

Established in 2004 by York planning alumni, students and faculty members, MYPAC hosts an alumni social annually. This year’s fete will take place June 26, from 6 to 11pm, at the Park Hyatt hotel, 4 Avenue Rd., Toronto. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased by through the 10th Annual York University Planning Alumni Social order form or at the door (cash only).

“I continue to be engaged with York University and the planning of this event because it is an opportunity to share stories, reconnect and network with FES Faculty, staff, students and professional planners,” says Ruth Rendon (MES ’03), founding member and events coordinator – MYPAC.

The event usually attracts more than 200 York grads and professionals from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. It has been made possible by sponsorship from the York University Alumni Association, the Faculty of Environmental Studies, the York University Development Corporation and many others.

Last year's MYPAC Alumni Social at the Bata Shoe Museum

Last year's MYPAC Alumni Social at the Bata Shoe Museum

All proceeds from sponsorship and ticket sales go towards MYPAC's planning fund, which is used for student support, such as the MYPAC Prize, sponsorship of field trips and speaking programs. The highly engaged group of alumni are dedicated to providing student support.

“We are very proud of MYPAC’s student bursary program and student programs which are possible because of the generous contributions of our sponsors,” says Rendon.

The MYPAC Prize is an annual award valued at $500 given to a full-time student in good standing in the Masters in Environmental Studies Program at York University with an area of concentration in planning and with a student membership in the Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI).

For more information on this event or any other MYPAC initiatives, visit the MYPAC website.

Written by Charlene Patrick, MES Candidate