Robert Castle
Many of you will know Rob Castle as the senior executive officer in the Office of the Vice-President Finance and Administration (VPFA), but you may not know that his life away from York U involves singing Gregorian Chant.
As part of the VPFA’s United Way contribution, Castle will be leading a recital of Gregorian Chant on Monday, Nov. 24 at 12:15pm in the Senate Chamber, N940 Ross Building. He will be joined by some of the choristers from the chant choir he leads – The Ritual Choir of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene.
All are welcome to come and enjoy a meditative presentation of this ancient art form. Admission is pay-what-you-can, with all proceeds going to the 2014 York Cares Campaign in support of the United Way Toronto.
For more information, visit the 2014 York Cares United Way Campaign website.