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Candidates for Winters College Master to give presentations at today's open forums

The search committee for the new Master for Winters College invites all members of the college and University communities to attend these events to hear the candidates speak individually on their candidacy to be Master of Winters College.

Those attending will have the opportunity to ask the candidates questions regarding their candidacy and plans for the position of master. The two candidates are:

  • Professor John Mayberry
    Thursday, April 16, 11:30am to 12:30pm
    Winters Junior Common, 012 Winters College
    Keele campus
  • Professor Marie Rickard
    Thursday, April 16, 2:30 to 3:30pm
    Winters Junior Common Room, 012 Winters College
    Keele campus

A light lunch will be served between 12:30 and 2:30pm.

Forums will be taped and placed on the Winters College website.

Following the open forums, University community members will be invited to send their comments regarding the candidates to the chair of the search committee – Professor Christian Marjollet, master of New College, by e-mail to, until April 27.