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York U historians honoured at annual gathering

The Canadian Historical Association (CHA) recognized several members of York University's History Department and graduate program with prestigious awards at the CHA Annual Prize Ceremonies late last month in Calgary.

The Public History Group of the Canadian Historical Associate awarded the Public History Award to The award recognizes work that achieves high standards of original research, scholarship, and presentation; brings an innovative public history contribution to its audience; and, serves as a model for future work, advancing the field of public history in Canada.

Francesca D’Amico, doctoral student, received the CHA Journal Prize awarded every year for the best essay published each year in the Journal of the Canadian Historical Association.

Professor Craig Heron, received a Clio Award for his book on Hamilton. The Ontario Clio Award is given for meritorious publications or for exceptional contributions by individuals or organizations to regional history.

Dan Ross, doctoral student, received the Jean-Marie Fecteau Prize. The prize is awarded for the best article published in a peer-reviewed journal (including peer-reviewed student journals) by a PhD or MA-level student, in French or in English.

Professor Alexia Yates, received the Wallace K. Ferguson Prize for her book on Paris. The Ferguson prize recognizes the outstanding scholarly book in a field of history other than Canadian history.

Each year, the CHA organizes a three-day conference that is held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. The annual meeting provides historians in all fields an opportunity to showcase their research and discuss issues relating to the discipline. For more information visit the CHA Annual Meeting web page.