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Roundtable celebrating International Women's Day, March 8

To mark and celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, Founders College will host a roundtable discussion and question-and-answer period.

The event will take place from 4:30 to 6pm in 305 Founders College, and refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The roundtable will feature the following speakers:

  • Jenny Cafiso, executive director, Canadian Jesuits International;
  • Professor Maria João Dodman, Luso-Brazilian Studies, DLLL;
  • Joanne Huy, Founders alumna (BES Hons.);
  • Professor Khatereh Sheibani, Persian Language, Literature & Culture, DLLL; and
  • Juliet Saldana, Founders student and vice-president social, Founders College Student Council.

The event will include a question-and-answer and discussion period with the speakers. The Bookstore will also be present with books and publications celebrating International Women's Day from a number of York authors (including the featured speakers).

For more information, email